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Broken Bay Last Night


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Went with my mates Nathaniel and Clinton to Broken Bay see if there were any Jewies out to play and with a 1.8m high tide and 3 days after ful moon we expected to get a few decent fish on the sand. We fished from 5pm till midnight with yakka slabs, slimey slabs and squid.

We get a couple of Taylor to 35cm and a bream that went 34cm between 5:30 and 6:45pm.

I fished with a paternoster rig with 80lb mono trace with 2 X 4/0 suicide hooks and a size 4 snapper lead

About 7:30 or 8:00pm my rod went for a howling run and it was on... After setting the hooks I settled in for a rather lengthy battle with a beast of a fish that went straight out to see then pulled a full 180 and came screaming back towards me. In my mind I figured he had spat the bait and I proceeded to wind in casually, then I pulled tight again and another screaming run with 5kg drag on the baitrunner and lots of big headshakes throughout the battle. He ran left and back right parallel to the beach but he was staying just in the gutter, he had 3 short and very powerful runs in an epic 25minute fight, but alas I was unable to beach him even with doubled 80lb mono and eventually got bitten off at the trace. We didnt see him but he fought hard in close and deserved his freedom in the end.

At one stage I was certain I had him "in the bag" but every time he did something and surprized me... I was stepping left, right and into the shallows to try and get him from the gutter into the wash to beach him, but not meant to be this time, lol. I re-rigged back up and played the waiting game again- I had a very good take on a slab of slimey just before the top of the tide but nothing further was hooked.

A thoroughly enjoyable night with a couple of good friends and brought home a feed but not the Jew I am after. Oh well there's always next weekend to try again from the same spot, and the weekend after that too!

Sorry I didnt take any piccies this time

Tight lines


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Wow sounds like a Big Fish Whatever it was probably a shark by the sounds of it..

Too bad you did not get what you were after but at least you got out there and had a go!!!

Well Done champ and a great report.



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Thanks Nathan, I suspect it was a Jew personally, sharks dont usually give those massive headshakes midway through the fight, more like just dead weight till they get in close then hell breaks loose- this broke loose from the get-go and didnt stop... headshake after headshake after running was a cracker fish whatever it was.

... I think my leader is just aweful so am going to buy some new leader today and hopefully next time I wont get pinged as easily, lol...

The last 3 outings have hooked 5 Jew and landed a 1m school shark so am on a good spot to say the least, and I was real patient with him last night... he ran when he needed... I ran up and down the beach with him to keep tight line and while he was shaking that head of his I kept constant pressure on him and didnt high stick it.

Luckily I had support from my mates too I reckon its essential to have good support when fighting big fish anywhere.

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bad luck on the big beasty anth,shame you didnt get to see him.at least you got to enjoy a lenghty fight before you got pinged.stick with it mate,you sure are in a good spot so big stinky wont be too far off.i got a little 56cm jew on plastic yesterday fishing local.

cheers johnny. :beersmile:

Edited by fisher doi
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