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Best Thing I Ever Did Was Buy A Boat And Start Fishing!


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I just wanted to share this story, especially for all the dads that no longer live with their kids.

I was seperated 12 months ago after a 16 year marriage - it was not my idea and we won't go there sad.gif .

I have 2 girls (12 and 10 years old) that I now get to see only one night a week, I phone them every morning every night, but other than that I have absolutely no say in their lives, thanks to my ex.

After floundering for many months trying to work out what I was going to do, I decided to buy a boat. I had been thinking about buying one the week before my marriage fell apart.

So, I bought a boat, and started going fishing.

The kids were thrilled when they first saw the boat, and I have taken them out in it on every opportunity since.

I took them out yesterday, and although the weather started a bit "iffy", by lunchtime it was looking ok. We pulled up on a beach and had a picnic lunch. We then went into middle harbour and dropped a couple of lines in.

My eldest caught a nice trevally, and unfortunately, due to her almost jumping ship when I brought it into the boat to unhook it, I didnt get a photo of her with it.

About 20 minutes later, it was my youngest's turn to land a catch. This was the biggest fish she has caught, and as you can see from the smile she was pretty happy with her efforts. This fish was released within 30 seconds, unharmed to fight another day.

I just wanted to share this story, as my kids and I are now building some great memories that we can share forever, thanks to the boat.

Cheers to everyone.


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Very nice and thanks for sharing that story with us thumbup.gif

Just keep that contact with your kids and let them know that you love them unconditionally and that you are always there for them - eventually when they are old enough they will make their own choices.

Great that they are enjoying the fishing biggrin2.gif

Cheers mrsswordie

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Fantastic stuff insomniac92!!! Now that you've got the boat and the kids are keen to go with you, there'll be no looking back. Tons of quality times ahead :thumbup:

Isn't it funny how every cloud has a silver lining!!!!



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Well done :) Fishing & Boatig is great way to bring people together and in your case its extra special well done :thumbup:

If you are going for Bream/Snapper mate, Give them small circle hooks ago, The fish hook themself which is good for the kiddys as they wont need to strike and in general you get alot more hook ups :1fishing1:

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Long life ahead. 4 u and the kids. As time passes it will be easier and remember there are Plenty of fish in the sea! Get yorself out there not only with the kids but another fisher woman. Sure helped me and congrats on the boat.

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Thanks everyone for the positive comments.

I am a member of a few forums as part of my work, and this forum is by far the best I have ever seen.

It really is like a community, and I feel privelidged to be part of it.

Everyone is friendly and eager to assist other members wherever they can. It is a great testament to the people who run it, and to all the members. You really have done a great job!

cut_loose: Thanks for the tip on the hooks. I will definately set the kids up with them the next time we go out.

Thanks again.


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That's Fantastic you sound like a great Father :thumbup:

I remember when I was growing up my father used to take me and my brother fishing but never really got too serious and we were always after the boat but it never eventuated.

I now have one and when my daughter gets older I cannot wait to get her onto her first fish!!!

and the best part is you get to spend time with your kids!!!!! Well done looking forward to your next report!!!!!!!!



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good stuff mate as long as the time u have with them is made worth it and memories are made you will do fine in time it will only get easier i hope, some poor bloke i know dosnt even get to see his kids his ex moved state and he dosnt even no where they are. so chin up mate like old mate said "every cloud has a silver lining". all the best with the new boat.

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dont worry mate, it will all be a memory in the distant past one day. I am 10 years down the track from similar circumstances, separated after 15 years, 3 kids 15, 13 and 9. looking back i had some of the best times ever, with just me and the kids over that time. As Mrs Swordie said, they do make their own choices one day, just keep being a good dad and you cant go wrong.

i had some great fishing trips on my weekends as well, its cheap, memorable, and the kids cant wait for next time.

one day you will wake up and everything will be sitting just right in your world and dont worry it sneaks up on you without notice, better times are just ahead.



Edited by crippo
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Hi all,

Thanks again for your comments and your support.

Yes, a lot of good memories are now being made with me and the kids. We've been camping, fishing, and just having fun, and I'm letting them just "be kids" without all their usual pressure of school, dance lessons, netball etc. Kids need time just to "be kids", and it's my aim to give them this time.

hamerz84: Yes mate, unfortunately there are a people a lot worse off than I am. No matter how fair the authorities say the system is, it still relies on the one with custody being reasonable. I hope your mate is coping ok.

Now that it's starting to get cold at night, I gotta start looking for that fisherwoman...:biggrin2:

Anyway, thanks again, happy fishing!



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Hey Champion, Keep your head up and your girls close. by the looks of this report things are looking better already ........and congrats on the new boat mate enjoy your :1fishing1: in the new boat!!!

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Gooday Garry.

Uncertainty is the one of the biggest issues.

From the kids point of view the most important thing is that you are always there when you are supposed to be.

Being happy and enjoying your time with them is priceless.

I found that being seperated made me spend quality time that I never spent when I was actually married.

It seems crazy but I had beter quality 1 on 1 time after the sepaeration.

Now my daughter is 18. She still visits me all the time. I still see her a couple of days a week which is more than I seen her with visiting rights.

You will be ok and the kids will love you for it.

Keep fishing.



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mate my marriage broke up when my kids were only small 9 and 6 so I know exactly what your feeling at the moment, as everyone else has said here just keep loving your kids unconditionally and keep being the great dad you are being and they will stick with you through thick or thin! Its really amazing how resilient kids are, and they cope better if your time with them is quality not quantity. keep up the good work mate and good on you for introducing them to the wonderful world of fishing!


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