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Anzac Long Weekend Trip. South Coast Nsw.


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Hey Raiders,

Im a long time reader and follower of this fantastic site but this is my first report.

So Friday night myself and the boys packed up and drove down the south coast of NSW from Sydney.

Saturday morning started off with a bit of a troll with 120cm divers and found the fish, every pass double hookups. Kept a few for bait and the table, healthy ones went back in the drink. Next had a bottom bash in 30-40metres with frozen (but nice) squid I caught in the previous weeks. Was quiet as there was no wind so the drift was too slow. Got heaps of red rock cod, bakers and a couple monster cuttles, which were marauding the rock cod in mid-water usually. Both cuttles released promptly. Started getting bored so moved to a different spot and immediately got a few nice flatties to 45cm in the ice box. Nice. Was using light gear as we were only fishing 10-12metres over sand so I was excited when my 2500 with 6lb started to sing ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. What the hell is this. Had a spirited fight and eventually got it boatside and saw it was a nice hammerhead of about 1 metre. Then he took off again and got him back again but my mate fluffed up the net shot allowing him to twist up in the leader and PING! all over. :05: Oh well would have made a nice photo, I would have let him go anyway. got a couple more flatties and called it a day. post-12983-127280360959_thumb.jpg

Sunday morning a bit windy but sun was shining so out we went nice and early. Started with a troll and cleaned up again. Got a dozen bonnies, with my mate Azza getting a nice 60cm model - giving my new rod some nice bend. Even the 4000 was singing its sweet song. Good start to the day. So off to a nice snapper hole. Got there and had double hookups on pannies to 40cm for a hour and a half. Most went back in, just kept a few for the BBQ that night. Baked them in foil pouches with tomato onion garlic olive oil with baked jacket potatoes while knocking back a few coldies round the fire that night. :1fishing1::beersmile:

Monday morning weather was crap so off to do some rockhopping and diving. Got down to the spot but left the spears in the car :ranting2: . Was not gonna walk back. Didnt get much that day but in the arvo the weather came good and the wind dropped so had an early night in anticipation for the next day.

Tuesday morning another mate rocked up from Sydney so we went out in his bigger better tinny, with his very nice new Hd sounder/GPS plotter so off we went to try some new spots and sound out some bottom. Got a couple squid early and fished nice fresh strips around some nice structure. Was a bit slow at first until BANG. IM ON. Hooked up solid. After a long struggle and a few attempted tail shots we boated a fiesty and strong 5ft gummy shark. smashed us up a bit but after a few pics back she went.


Regather and re rig, next drop......TAP....TAP......TAP.......BIG PULL.........FISH ON! yeehaw. fish was taking heaps of braid off the 4000, im thinking kingy....nice kingy. but after not long I see the classic silver and blue of a nice snapper. Into the net and on the brag mat, he went 64cm and FAT as. Few more pics and bled and on the ice.



Then my mate (skipper that day) boats a healthy mowie and another mate a nice squire. I then got a couple more consecutive reds to 40cm to fill up the ice box. Back to the ramp for a rest and then headed out late arvo for an evening/night session. Into the reds almost straight away but bits got less frequent as it got darker. I hooked up solid to a snapper and dropped it mid water - hooks pulled; and not long after same thing happened to Mike. We were about to call it a night as it was getting cold when ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Mikes rod buckles and reel comes to life, then Joshy's rod promptly goes off. DOUBLE hook up. YEE HAAAAA! :thumbup: But we soon realise that the boys are both connected to the same fish. by then we realised it was a shark so we were excited. both of the lads were putting on some good hurt on this shark so it came up relatively quick. At the boat joshys hook pulled but mike stayed connected in the corner of the jaw. the shark did some crazy death rolls and went down again and was super heavy to pull up. finally got it in the boat and it was spent. got a few nice pics and after reviving it for a bit back she went.


WOOHOO. High fives all round and we called it a night!

Wednesday was time to go home but not before a little pulse of south east swell lit up some of the local reefs for a quick surf in perfect autumn conditions. The perfect cherry on the already complete cake.

Tight Lines all, Matt.

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Thanks mate, look Im not gonna go into high detail as I dont want to upset anyone, particularly locals and regular fishers of this coast but we were working a range of areas between Ulladulla and Batemans Bay.

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