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Blue Marlin On Popper Rod!


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Awesome mate!

Well done on a great fish with a challenging combo. I take it you are happy with your saltiga outfit as I have seen you have landed a few marlin on it on youtube.

I'll have to give marlin fishing a decent go sometime soon...

Could I ask how long the shockleader you use is and how much strike drag you run? I also fish jigging outfits for tuna etc and am concerned that my briad will break when hit by a fish on the troll.


Hi mate,

On the troll with Braid, I would normally run around 5-6kg of drag?.....It's hard to gauge

because your running off a Spin reel with no pre-set drag settings. I just set the lure to the desired postion and pull drag off the reel with my hand....if it feels like good tension without the rod popping from the holder, I will leave it at that.

The braid won't break upon strike and you should be running decent leader to absorb some of the shock.....say at least 6-10feet :)

After the strike though, I normally crank the drag up and get stuck into it best I can......not so much line capacity on the Spin reels! :wacko:

On this occasion, I had 200lb Jinkai connected to 80lb braid using the 'FG' knot.

At the end of this I had a Ball/bearing snap........ Clipped the lure on which also had about 8 feet of 200lb Jinkai. :)



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Hats off to you and your Crew definitely something you will be talking to your grand kids about some day.

Great Story, great fish and a real Congrats on yet another Wacko Adventure always look forward to reading your posts and watching your footage,



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