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Clifton Gardens

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Hey Raiders,

love to sit here and tell you guys had a great fishing trip last night or something but sadly no.. writing here cause i've looked further into this band on fishing at clifton gardens (chowder bay) this is crap guys it's a bunch of idiots dictating what is right with no proof.. i've personally written a letter to the editor and have been promised it will be published as well as replying to a choice selection of mossmans residents through their opnions and have attempted to lay the story out in the open.. guys but lets face it if we dont make a stand on this and make a noise were going to loose yet another fishing spot to a "marine park" something needs to be done on this and urgently we need to start making noise on stuff like this and not just letting recfish or some other agency handle it i'm only one bloke but through work and family i've got a fair few people interested in making noise about this because it's just stupid yeah ok i hear the nay sayers in the back ground going oh but some people do make a mess!! that's no reason to sit on your hands bout it the rest of us do the right thing and just cause you have a boat and think it doesnt matter how much longer before this type of attitude starts spreading?? you'll be fishing in new zealand for a feed if it keeps up.. so come on guys who's got the stomach to make some noise on it because i for one am thoroughly sick of being portrayed as an evil person because i fish!!!!!!

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petition? :) hell ill make noise what kinda noise is needed :P

Any kind of noise! it's just the support needed there's no point if ten people say something everyone who's just viewing this and not saying anything needs to say something if they really care about their rights as anglers they need to do something!!

But yeah a petition is a Great start

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Just spoke to the cr. at mossman council heading the push for chowder bay to become a marine reserve and a no take zone.. they are dead serious about this guys and they're having very limited resistance from anyone

Edited by brettmann
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Hey mate,

I totally agree with you. I caught my first legal kingy at clifton gardens and it is a great place to fish with friends who are new to fishing to catch a variety of species.

It is important to note that these greenies are very sneaky buggers. In fact in my opinion they are cowards. They present their case to very select people and if you notice not much is publicised unless you really go looking for it. In this manner they make it seem apparent that they have no objection. And then all of a sudden some stupid new sanctuary is in place.

Notice how as soon as it was published on the internet and there was a poll it was basically 80% objecting to their stupid proposal.

A message to site Admin: Perhaps we should establish a petition category within the site? We could form a petition and have members "sign it" and this could then be forwarded to particular members of parlaiment. In this manner we can act in one voice. The truth is many of us don't have the time to draft long arguementative letters to send through to those so called 'decision makers' and this would be a more efficient way to have our voice heard.


Edited by fishmaniac
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i agree - I'm sure the members of this site would be able to generate enough weight behind the petition to seriously sway things in our favour, and not let another sanctuary be set up due to a knee jerk reaction by the council under pressure from a vocal minority

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Hey mate,

......They present their case to very select people and if you notice not much is publicised unless you really go looking for it. In this manner they make it seem apparent that they have no objection. And then all of a sudden some stupid new sanctuary is in place.

....Notice how as soon as it was published on the internet and there was a poll it was basically 80% objecting to their stupid proposal.

...A message to site Admin: Perhaps we should establish a petition category within the site? We could form a petition and have members "sign it" and this could then be forwarded to particular members of parlaiment. In this manner we can act in one voice. The truth is many of us don't have the time to draft long arguementative letters to send through to those so called 'decision makers' and this would be a more efficient way to have our voice heard.


+ 1.... I couldn't agree more fishmaniac and fortheloveof...Fishermen like to run together and fish together but, left to their own devices in matters like this, can be quite apathetic, feel as though they would only be a voice in the wilderness and tend to get on with their lives thinking that somebody else will surely take care of it properly on their behalf and sadly in the past have proven to be badly mistaken. In America it even took a new President to recognise the balony and give the people the right to fish where they were used to...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Hey mate,

I totally agree with you. I caught my first legal kingy at clifton gardens and it is a great place to fish with friends who are new to fishing to catch a variety of species.

It is important to note that these greenies are very sneaky buggers. In fact in my opinion they are cowards. They present their case to very select people and if you notice not much is publicised unless you really go looking for it. In this manner they make it seem apparent that they have no objection. And then all of a sudden some stupid new sanctuary is in place.

Notice how as soon as it was published on the internet and there was a poll it was basically 80% objecting to their stupid proposal.

A message to site Admin: Perhaps we should establish a petition category within the site? We could form a petition and have members "sign it" and this could then be forwarded to particular members of parlaiment. In this manner we can act in one voice. The truth is many of us don't have the time to draft long arguementative letters to send through to those so called 'decision makers' and this would be a more efficient way to have our voice heard.


My thoughts are that petitions are not much value. E- petitions can be signed by the same person several times in my experience. Letters written attract a stock standard reply. There are spam laws that we need to be aware of as well.

I often send links of threads on fishraider to the powers that be to show them what the "real" man/woman thinks. I have received some interesting replies.

Perhaps a poll can be started. Follow the poll results with comments and your feelings about the issue. I will then send the link to the govt bodies etc. on behalf of the fishraider membership base. This holds a lot more water than a templated e-signed letter imho.

Send me a personal message if you wish to get this started.


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Guys the petitions and lobbying should not stop with just clifton gardens.

Fishraider in my opinion is in a unique position with a large group of active members and can make a huge difference to the fight for the rights of fisherman.

This forum can take an active role in educating fisherman on the issues we ALL face with fishing. Just cause your spot isn't affected now means nothing. We all back each other up wether its a planned marine park in sydney, Jervis Bay or Nelson Bay. Do you think these radical green movements go to the places we all fish? No they don't, they get told to vote for this as its good and us fisherman are evil and they vote.

Fishraider members if able to sign a petition to support pro fishing policies would show the politicians that we are here to stay and hopefully sway there vote a little bit. By linking up with groups like ANSA so much good could be done for fisherman.

However we need to make a stand as one and fight as one. If we are devided we will fall, together we will show that these radical green policies are not for Australia!

Fishraider admin need to take a good look at this and become more pro active, if not in the future this forum might need to be called something else. Maybe "used to be able to fish in NSW forum" or "sorry you can't fish there anymore kids" forum.

How are YOU going to be able to explain to your kids that you can't fish anywhere good anymore because you were too lazy to do something about it when you could?

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Yeeros i agree i myself remeber the days when my father tought me to fish and they were much simpler times... although we have to start somewhere and clifton gardens seems to be a good start.. the problem is shore based anglers by large do not have the support of the boaties because they think the bans on fishing in certain areas only extends to shoreline WRONG!! it extends well out over waterways and well into offshore areas if we do not start fighting this now we will be banned from a large area and the fun will be ruined already gone are the days where we could just show up anywhere and wet a line how much more do we want to loose honestly?? the groups formed are fine as they are but if we just sit back and expect them to solve our problems without voicing ourselves then what is their purpose?? if we are not willing to sacrifice our own time to fight for what we love then what is the point?? come on guys get behind something lets start standing together instead of being a world divided

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Guys the petitions and lobbying should not stop with just clifton gardens.

Fishraider in my opinion is in a unique position with a large group of active members and can make a huge difference to the fight for the rights of fisherman.

This forum can take an active role in educating fisherman on the issues we ALL face with fishing. Just cause your spot isn't affected now means nothing. We all back each other up wether its a planned marine park in sydney, Jervis Bay or Nelson Bay. Do you think these radical green movements go to the places we all fish? No they don't, they get told to vote for this as its good and us fisherman are evil and they vote.

Fishraider members if able to sign a petition to support pro fishing policies would show the politicians that we are here to stay and hopefully sway there vote a little bit. By linking up with groups like ANSA so much good could be done for fisherman.

However we need to make a stand as one and fight as one. If we are devided we will fall, together we will show that these radical green policies are not for Australia!

Fishraider admin need to take a good look at this and become more pro active, if not in the future this forum might need to be called something else. Maybe "used to be able to fish in NSW forum" or "sorry you can't fish there anymore kids" forum.

How are YOU going to be able to explain to your kids that you can't fish anywhere good anymore because you were too lazy to do something about it when you could?

Thanks for your post yeeros et al. The real problem is that there are way too many "bodies" involved in rec fishing. Some of those involved have been there beating the same old drum for years and years.

There are national bodies RecFish, AFTA, AUF, ANSA and state branches of. There are other govt. organisations. There is ACoRF, fishing alliances, fishing clubs, action groups, rights associations, eco groups and the list goes on and on.

Fishraider is not a political vehicle. This is a forum for sharing fishing experiences and discussing all things angling. We have a section for Fisheries News and Politics for items to be discussed but we will not allow the forum to be drenched in political arguements. There are many, many forums devoted to doing just that. Having said that, fishraider is always willing to assist where possible. Fishraider is quite powerful in terms of site activity and membership growth. It would be the most active of all the forums at this point in time.

I have had talks with people involved in active lobbying to offer our resources. Most of these groups are still working as silos and not willing to come together to express the views of the ordinary rec fisho. I do email lobbyists and politicians and link them to worthy threads on fishraider. I have offered our chat room to host online meetings to no avail.

Yeeros, I do take offence at the suggestion that we do not take an active role in educating anglers and that we are not pro active. Do you have any idea of the time and effort required to plan and run such a project??? It is not about a bloody petition or having an odd public meeting here and there. It will take much more than that to get things changed. I have experience on national panels for health issues and let me tell you it takes a longggg time to get consensus and get things moving.

Fishraider admin aka Stewy and I have full time jobs and our life after work is spent running fishraider and we do not have the time or money to run a campaign. If anyone here has any ideas for "pro activity" please pm me or write to fishraider@iinet.net.au and we will certainly offer our resources to assist with any well organised and planned campaign. Perhaps that might be you Yeeros thumbup.gif

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