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Hodgie Was Right! I Got Some Nice Bream On Sunday!


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Hi all

Keeping to my usual form, where I catch better fish AFTER any competiton ........ I did just the same on the weekend!!

My body took a while to recover from the rigours of using the PA during the 3 day comp on the previous weekend & by Wed I was feeling much better & should have gone out, as it was a glorious day ...... but was lazy & didn't ..... & paid for it with solid RAIN until Sunday!! So, with the sun out & low tide around mid day, I hopped into my Trusty Sport & headed to The Paddock!!

The tide was just about to turn & fishing was a bit slow to start off with - then within an hour, I had all 3 fish!

Funnily enough, I fished the area I spent WAY too much time in at Last Years Grand Final ........ and scored 3 nice fish this time (none last year!) I was in one of the leases & chucking a cheap little Hawk 'chubby lookalike' that I had coloured black, when I felt a 'tap tap'. I stopped moving it & suddenly my line was heading left at a rate of knots, so I Struck & Came up tight to a nice fish. From the headshakes & its general behaviour, I assumed it to be a flattie ...... so was surprised when it got closer to the yak, to find that it was a very nice bream indeed!! It was nearly 33cm to the fork.






The water had glassed off beautifully so I headed out onto the flats, where I had seen a monster flattie during last year's GF & this time chucked around a PX45 shrimp imitation, to see if I could tempt any top water bream! I hadn't had a hookup on a topwater for a few weeks ....... I couldn't have scripted it better!!

Another nice little breambo jumped on board! :biggrin2:


Then the final bream of the day jumped on - also taking a fancy to the PX45




It was a glorious autumn afternoon on the water so was not surprised to see some other lure fishos turn up to fish (just after I caught my 3rd fish on the flats!) One tinnie with 2 young blokes on it looked like they were heading straight towards me, so I kept an eye on them as they got to about 20m from me! They came to an abrupt halt when they hit the shallow sand bar that is a permanent fixture there, then ploughed thru the weedbed, with engine going full bore ...... scaring every fish within a kilometre, I reckon (let alone possible damage to their outboard!!) They approached 'their spot', killed the motor & started the leccie!! Very considerate ..... NOT!!!

I moved around til Keith arrived to pick me up & really enjoyed the serenity of the lake, at its best, all glassed over & beautiful!!

Monday morning, I thought ..... OK, today, I bite the bullet & go into the leases & fish for BIG BREAM!! I used to frequent the leases often in my 'sit in' to target flatties, but since getting the Hobie, was more reluctant to scratch it up, so had 'left the leases to the others' ..... but after Dan Brown cleaned up in the ABT Bream Yak Grand Final the weekend before, by staying in the leases & just moving around ...... I thought i would give it a serious go! But I forgot the camera!

One rod had 8lb braid & about 15lb mono. The other had 2lb braid & 6lb leader, I started with the latter!! :1yikes: A gulp shrimp in banana & wham!! I am on!! The bream dives under the racks & I try to wrestle him out but can feel the line rubbing on a pole! :1yikes: Danger! Danger!! I switched the anti reverse off and, using the handle, allowed the bream to move further into the maze a little bit & when he stopped, I gently encouraged him out further than he had gone in! After a few goes like this, he swims free of the racks & I net him!! :yahoo::thumbup: YAY! My first REAL Racks Bream!! I was amazed that the leader wasn't really scuffed at all! I really didn't think I would get him out. He was about 30cm to the fork. Keith had been moaning about the lack of fish dinners, so I kept him for tea.

I immediately tossed it out again & within 1/2 sec, I was on BIGTIME!! I'd forgotten that the anti reverse wasn't engaged & as the massive bream took off, the reel handle was spinning backwards, hitting my thumb on every turn!! I grabbed the front of the spool to slow the monster down & PING! All over, red rover!! Boy! It was a big fish. The pulling power was amazing! I quickly re-rigged, but running out of banana shrimp, put on a mould cheese minnow. This time I used the 8lb braid & 15lb mono!

Pretty quickly, I landed another bream, this one about 30 to the tail, so I kept him for dinner too. Then, casting against the current and retrieving with it, after a couple of short flicks 'WHACK'!! Another monster hoons off with my lure!! I struck hard & immediately put the rod tip under water as the fish headed under the racks! With the drag locked up & the fish unable to take line, it was a matter of who could pull the harder!! The fish won! I checked the rig & discovered that the TT HWS hook had not only been straightened, the tip was busted off as well!!!

Next rig was using a squidgy resin head - a much stronger hook. Using the mouldy cheese minnow, I am on again within a minute!! This one also heads for the racks & the sheer power of the big fish is AEWSOME to feel!! This one manages to find an oyster covered pole & once again I am busted off! At this stage, I am really enjoying myself!! :1prop: As the tide slowed, the bites stopped, so I headed home.

I think I know where I will be fishing for bream from now on!! I will upgrade to my RackRaider rod, which will have more pulling power than my 'flats' rod ........ and may even upgrade to a 2500 reel, for quicker retrieving as well!!!

Funny how your fishing can be 'as much mental' as much as anything - I never used to use my HBs for fear of losing them to big fish ....... similar to SPs .... I didn't like chucking them into snaggy water due to the many jig head losses - but once you overcome that mental obstacle .....just chuck 'em everywhere!!!

All up, a couple of great days on the water! Can't wait for more! I will take out all my 'old gulps' and toss them round the racks with gay abandon!!! Who knows what I may catch!!?

Thanks for reading


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WOW! That's just what happens Roberta, right after the competition, you're back onto them. Go figure?

You scored some great bream, and the water looked beautiful in the background of some of the shots too. Great conditions. Top photos.

Quality catch in a quality report! :thumbup:

Cheers and thanks Roberta


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Why couldn't these fish have turned up during the tournie, Roberta? :1prop: Still, you enjoyed a lovely day on the water and managed some very nice fish. There is nothing more entertaining (and frustrating) than fishing amongst the leases. The fish seem to be bigger, stronger and have an uncanny ability to find an oyster-encrusted 'something' more often than not :biggrin2: It just makes the buzz stronger when you manage to wrangle one outta there! :thumbup:

I couldn't agree more with your comment regarding the 'mental obstacle'. I found that I was throwing my lures NEAR the zone, rather than into it, and I was very hestitant about working the lure, incase it was scoffed and I lost it! :074: Nowadays, blades are tossed into timber and surface lures are left hovering over leases. Sometimes you've just gotta satisfy your curiosity, regardless of the cost! :biggrin2:



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Thanks Peter - I DO seem to choke when it comes to comps!! Used to do that in school exams too! Great fun on the water tho

...... I found that I was throwing my lures NEAR the zone, rather than into it, and I was very hestitant about working the lure, incase it was scoffed and I lost it!......

Thank God I am not alone!! I really think that my success will increase, now that I AM chucking into the danger zone!! Before, even with the poppers etc I was jerking them AWAY from fish in the leases as they were trying to scoff it ........ and only lost the lures to fish when I was too slow to pull it away from them! I wasn't THINKING about pulling it away from them, I was just DOING it automatically!

I still remember the first 'expensive' lure lost to the racks ........ Inaugral Forster Fishing Carnival 2 years back ..... I did a miscast with a brand new chubby & it landed in that 'no mans spot' about .3m wide between 2 racks. I thought that if I moved it "REAL SLOW" that it wouldn't dive & I could get it back!! As I inched it towards the edge & freedom ....... a bloody bream WHACKED IT from below & it was GORN!!! I was very annoyed!! :1badmood: But, what I did with the lure at the time, was obviously right, as the bream slammed it!!

Looking forward to catching up at the lure day, Ian!! :biggrin2: I will bring a good selection ...... maybe all my 'lookalikes' so I can chuck them around with gay abandon, not worrying about losing them! Give them a REAL test!!! Any leases where we are going??

Hi ya Stewy!! .... BTW you can bring your yak if you wish. .... Will do!! Can't wait. You can all have a go!! Believe me, once you try the pedal one, you will find it difficult to use a paddle one!! Be warned!!! you will want one to be added to your fleet!! :biggrin2:


Edited by Roberta
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Hi Roberta,

You have kept to your usual form alright, and I'm not talking about catching good fish after a grand final, I'm talking about your report.

That was a cracking report and a thrilling read. Can't wait to get up there again!



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Well done Roberta.

It is different when your by yourself. In the comp there are people & lures everywhere. It has to spook the fish!

Great to see you throwing your lures in the 'zone'.

Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say!



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Another excellent read Roberta. Those breambos look nice and healthy! Isn't funny how you can produce bream like that when not under pressure. DAMN YOU PRESSURE!!! :ranting2:

Edited by tangled1
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Well done Roberta.

..... In the comp there are people & lures everywhere. It has to spook the fish!



Brilliant session Roberta and quite an educational read as usual :thumbup: ...there's a great little tip here from Grant that's pure gold and giving the others a wide birth if you can will make all the difference to your results the very next time you fish in a tournament...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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he he thanks guys - on GF day, I don't think the PAs would fit thru the narrow gaps in most of the leases to fish where I was getting busted off (unless you found one with the gate open ........ then you'd have to make sure you get out before they shut it!! :1yikes: ) - I manage to sneak the Sport into most of them - some you can only get into on the king tides, but have to be careful you don't get stuck in there when the tide falls!

....It is different when your by yourself. In the comp there are people & lures everywhere. It has to spook the fish!..... I totally agree, Grant!! Everyone was complaining of lack of fish on Day 2 ...... after being heavily fished the 2 days before! Last year, the megabucks was on the same day, so even more spooked than normal!! I usually fish on my own anyway & often 'don't produce good fish' when fishing with others (Maybe not concentrating as well, trying to get others onto fish?) whereas when on my own, I don't usually catch HEAPS of fish (like 20 or so) but what I do get is usually of better quality! On Sun, those 3 were all I got. On Monday, the 2 that I kept & the 2 bustoffs & one straightened & busted hook!! No small fish. Can't wait til I land one of the monsters!! I can still feel the power of their run!!! 'Specially, my thumb! :074:

Now I know how you felt when in the leases getting busted off in the GF, Luke!! That is one of the easier 'productive' leases than even a boat can get into! :biggrin2: Gee it's fun tho! Even tho I was losing tackle, at least it wasn't a $25 lure or 3!! Let me know when you come up! We'll hit the racks this time!! :1prop:

I guess I'll just have to get back in there & do some more practise, so that I have a more 'relaxed, automatic' response to hits, instead of choking or pulling the lure away!!! :wacko: I may even upgrade my lines further!!! I will take at least ONE stump puller with me!! I can just let the sps drift down the current, eh? I was busted off both fishing with the current & against! I think that once you 'expect to catch fish' you should be in a better frame of mind, instead of being 'away with the fairies' & getting smoked with an unexpected hit (as often happens when topwater fishing!!) Mind you, I DO enjoy my topwater fishing! :thumbup:

Nice high tides this weekend to coincide with the full moon! I may be going to Lemon Tree Passage for Sat/Sun - meeting up with some fellow yakkers there (only if the weather is OK.) Looks like it may turn belly up late this afternoon for a few days tho :mad3: !

I hope you can all get out & take advantage of the tides!!! All the leases will be well & truly covered with water - the mangroves will be much more 'fishable' especially with topwater lures & hope you get into some good fish!

Cheerio & tight lines


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Nice to see you getting into the racks Roberta , dont worry too much about the scratches look at my old mans boat. Covered in BATTLE SCARS. Also it's great as when I borrow it i don't worry about adding to his already formidable collection!!!! :biggrin2:

Some good fish in your photo's .

Well Done


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roberta there some cracker fish. all these mid week reports just make me want to get out more and more on the weekends. it looks oh so fu, and bream on the top water this far into the cooler months is awesome, wished they would stay on the surface chew here. :frozen:

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HI Roberta, :1happybday:

what a good read!! :thumbup: Well done on the catching and on the writing it reads really well. Your tales always make Forster such an attractive place for the fisherman/woman.

I look forward to catching up when you are in Sydney,

tight lines


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What a great sounding session, Roberta. Heaps of variety, adrenalin and some top fish to boot. I think there is a sub paragraph to Murphy's Law related specifically to fishing that states 'Anything that can go right, will go right... but at the wrong time.' :biggrin2:

Shame about the idiots in the tinnie. Oh well, it takes all kinds I suppose. I'm just glad they didn't drive right over you. It doesn't sound like they thought much about what they were doing :ranting2:

Beaut report and pics as always. :thumbup:

Cheers, Slinky

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