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Squid Ink Good For Jewwies ?


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Hey reaiders, a guy once told me that if you catch squid the best way to keep them fresh is to pop

them in a zip lock bag and seal it then once you get home poor contents with all the ink into a vacuum sealed bag.

I know ink is great for kings but can't confirm if it's good for jewwies too ? I caught some and popped them

in the zip lock bags but by the time i got home they were covered in their own ink ...

Question being is this okay for jewwies ?

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I fish for snapper off the rocks and i use self caught frozen squid for bait. I just pull of the heads, guts and wings and put them in a freezer bag and i find when i use it for bait the ink stained and bits of guts hanging of the cut squid bait works the best they get the quickest bites after casting it in the clean white squid bait bits take longer to get bites.

Personally I find the squid bait works better when its been sitting in the sun all day going a bit pinkish stewing in all the ink and guts it always seems to get me the bigger fish off the day

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mate to be honest the ink thing is a bit of a myth when it comes to a dead squid as it wont shoot out in desperation there fore not exciting any fish the chances are as soon as you cast your squid out the ink which covers your bait will disperse before your sinker even hits the bottom.

On freezing and vacuum sealing the squid i have found that the less ink on my squid the better it turns out as the ink can burn the skin, once you capture the squid let it empty its sack then put into the bag

Edited by jack
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personally I dont think it matters one way or the other. The main thing is that your squid needs to be kept in prime condition. Once they start to turn a little bit pink the jew and/or kings wont touch them. I use frozen squid all the time for jew and have a pretty good strike rate with them but the trick is they must be in good condition.


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personally I dont think it matters one way or the other. The main thing is that your squid needs to be kept in prime condition. Once they start to turn a little bit pink the jew and/or kings wont touch them. I use frozen squid all the time for jew and have a pretty good strike rate with them but the trick is they must be in good condition.


G'day pete,

being the jew man to ask, do you cut your frozen squid up to pieces before hooking it on or do you leave it on whole?

I've been trying to catch a jew all this time without success kinda like DGF, but he has finally caught one... (good stuff)...

so a little advise would be greatly appreciated. especially presenting squid, targeting jews...



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