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Avoca Beach On Friday With Some Mates!


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It was a clear n calm day at Avoca, with very little wind and no big swells Ivan and i headed up for a fish, we rig up and i cast out set the rod down in the lil rod hole and bang it gets nailed, "IM ON!" reel it in for a lil sting ray, cast out again and gets nailed yet again for a blurter/trev into the keeper he goes when suddenly was like a cloud rolled over the sky and a dark shadow came over with a thunderous voice, RayR Appears from abova the ledge and yells out, "GET OUTA MY SPOT!" LOL And joins us for are fishing session :) Fun times were had i sorted out ivan's rig to mimic mine for casting distance and less snagging while Ray went home to grab his gear and on Ivan's first cast he lands a very nice sand flattie of 58cm which on its way up was attacked by some unknown and lost the top part of its tail and was bleeding when landed, into the keeper it went, and then as Ray returned armed with his fishing arsenal i decided to try for some blackies for a lil while with little success landing only one 24cm blackie nad 5 cocky's >:/ while fishing for blackies Ivan lands a very nice n fat chopper tailor of 47cm, so i went back to casting out the big rod for more bottom bashing landing a nice lil banjo after tuning him up i rocked out with him for a photo, 31803_1499769858633_1365758966_1349784_5513567_n.jpg

soon after Ray was on!


with some nice lil aerial acrobatics up came.

31803_1499770058638_1365758966_1349787_1310974_n.jpg This lil sambo :)

With a few more runs and snags and few more blurters, Ray also hooks up onto a Banjo and poses for the next image.


While Mr Cool Dude banjo was fixing his hat for the photo Ivan hooks up onto another SAMBO!


Things went quiet for a about 5-10 minutes which was a little odd and the Ivan gets a HUGE run which is what Ray was calling for a Eagle Ray unfortunatly it came off so we did not see what it was Within minutes however i was sitting and holding my rod when i felt a lil tap and then BANG Massive load with drag peeling off my rod starts buckling over trying to keep what ever it is off the bottom with a 5-10 minute tug-o-war and various swear words ray mentions i now have an AUDIENCE and i turn to see 20+people standing on the ledge watching me fight what ever this is, the nitro BUCKLES over like i have never seen/felt before,


I was enjoying every minute of it it went toward the rocks and i was worried i was going to loose it to a snag but i managed to gain control of it, Well at least some control, i could feel the tension in the line and let some peel off with a lil less drag and then controled the drag with the palm of my hand after a long tussle i managed to get it in closer and started to see some colour which we all thought was a big eagle but no it wasnt a eagle ray it was something else it goes out for yet another lil run i soon gain control yet again and bring him closer and BOY WAS I SHOCKED to see the SIZE of this STINGRAY! Ray Estimated it at around 30kg! it was the size of my dinner table at home ! we got it to the side i was going to bring it up with a wave but would of been almost impossible with its size and weight we managed to get it in at least with the crowd applauding we cut off my hooks and set the monster free, i then relised how BUGGERED I WAS AFTER THAT and appreciated every minute of that fight, i would have to say it was probably the best fight i've had fishing off rocks EVER! and all this on 30 lb braid !! i was so glad my knots all held up, and everything went as good as it possibly could have got!

after that however i could not cast in no more as it really took it out of me haha with only few pillies left we finished them up and started to pack up ending the arvo with some really nice fish and GREAT TIMES had once again with great company at Avoca !!

some more lil happy snaps taken:





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:thumbup: awesome days fishing going to have to do it again, next time we have to remember to take some drinks lol :beersmile: great meeting Ray as well was a fun filled day :1fishing1: and the bourbons were great on the way home :biggrin2:
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Top arvo on the stones DGF

A few nice fish for your effort, gee that ray is freakin HUGE! :1yikes:

Shame you didnt see the monster byt alas thats fishin- win some and lose some, lol

Tight lines



yeah I agree, Ray is huge :074:

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:thumbup: Yeah that was a fun arvo, heaps of action and mate the Ray was HUGE, a top arvo with great company.

Entertaining report Aaron and some great pics, much like my shots..LOL.. :biggrin2:

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