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Yakking Wallis Lake With A Buddy 12/6


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Hi all

We had Saturday all sorted - Michelle & Scott were coming up from Nelson Bay to fish with me, then I heard from Jeff that he was arriving in town on Fri night for a week, so then there were 4 going out for a fish!!

Last time I was out, I suddenly found I didn't have any 'power' & as I'd upgraded to the V2 - the fin shouldn't have slipped off the mast ...... so I pulled it out of the hole & blow me down if the spiral connecting the pin in the fin to the top of the mast had worked free & I'd lost the spiral as well as the pin in the top of the mast! Luckily I had some strong thin rope & tied it up and so far it is working well!! Still haven't replaced the spiral thingo yet!!


Beautiful day yesterday - I was out in a friend's tinny & we moved around a bit chasing fish ..... for only some small bream & small flatties!!! :1badmood: Also lost a sammy to an oyster rack, but knew where it was & was planning on retrieving it today! Ne'er mind - it was a gorgeous day & we hoped that today would be the same! WRONG!! Luckily I'd taken my wonderscarf with me & I also put a windproof jacket UNDER my shirt! :frozen: It was Very Brisk!

Got up early this morning - absolutely NO WIND!! YES!!! Had some breakfast & Keith dropped me at the start spot ..... Jeff has already unloaded the yak, but the breeze was up!! :ranting2: Damn! I'd mentioned to Michelle that we may go to Tuncurry (off Taree St) as it would be more sheltered ....... but I was keen to retrieve my lure, so unpacked, Keith left with the ute & Jeff re-loaded his yak, as we'd decided to go to Tuncurry when Michelle got here.

I was halfway to the rack when I got a call from Michelle - they would have to bail from the trip - the tail gate of the trailer had come undone early in their trip & a lot of yak gear had slid off, onto the road ....... INCLUDING BOTH MIRAGE DRIVES for the PAs!! :1crybaby: They were just turning around, to head back & retrace their steps. whilst her sister was already on the road quickly, searching for stuff that may have fallen off first & she found some small stuff - net, part of a ram rod holder & other small bits, but no Mirage Drives!! :( Michelle has been to the police, but nothing has been handed in yet & will put an advert in the local paper to see if anyone comes forward with one or both! I was SOOOO saddened to hear this!! God, I hope someone who found them takes them to the cops!

I couldn't find the lure (must have floated free on the high tide last night, even tho I reckon it was pretty well caught onto the netting over the oysters!) I rang Jeff (who'd finished putting his yak back onto his VW Transporter, suggesting we just stay in this area (as Keith had taken off in the ute & I had no way of getting to Tuncurry anyway!!) This he did!~!

Check out the latest in thumb bling fashion!! My arthritis in the thumb has deteriorated badly :sad1: & I now need to wear this whenever in the yak, as moving the rudder lever is an absolute killer!! :1crybaby: I will need to have an operation to remove one of the trapezium bones below the thumb, :huh: cutting some tendon to wrap all around the base of the thumb area, to make it 'serviceable' again! I had a cortisone shot into the joint a couple of weeks back & that has reduced the pain a heap - & hope I'll be able to get away with that every 6 months or so - otherwise the op is the only choice I'll have! 6-12months recovery tho!!! Just as well I have a hobie!!


I already had one small breambo on the line before Jeff reached me - on a shallow diving atomic in green ...



Just as Jeff arrived, I hooked up to another bigger bream!! He gets some shots of me with it. We wander around The Paddock, casting over the weedbeds, deciding against going into the leases, as the wind would push Jeff's Prowler around too much ...... as the wind got a bit stronger, we headed back towards the Breck Channel & we found a quiet spot & had a few casts, then thought we may as well head up to K Spot ......until we got to the bend & was confronted with full on cold wind in the face!!

We fished out way back to the weed beds, I took some pics of Jeff with a bream on - the camera made a funny sound tho that I hadn't heard before, but kept on taking pics!!

Eventually (and no more fish) I got tired of not being able to feel my toes, so decided to bail ........ Kieth came & picked me up & Jeff stayed out for a little while longer!!

It was great meeting up with Old Salty - he has invaluable knowledge of Wallis Lake & I look forward to fishing here with him again! Shame we will be in Sydney this week whilst he is up here!!! Next 'social' we have up here - we'll have to make sure that he is here too - maybe when it is warmer tho!!!! :fg:

Oh yeah - to cap off an otherwise unmemorable day - all the pics I took of Jeff on the water (and my other fish) didn't make it to the SD card of my camera - the 'diddlywink' noise that my camera made meant that the SD Card was out of space!!! Now I knew for a fact, that only 7-8 pics were on it ....... but I had neglected to 'format' the card on a regular basis - and every previous photo had basically left a 'ghost' image on the card, thereby 'filling it up'. :angry2:

So the only 2 pics of the 10+ that I took, are of the fish above!! The other pics I took on my last outing!

Cheerio for now - I'll be away from the main computer for the next 1-3 weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to get the little EEE PC up & running whilst in Sydney!! I'll be checking out wifi spots ( or even buying a wifi dongle) so that I'll be able to check PMs etc

Looking forward to the SP & HB Social next weekend - God willing, I will be there, with my brother Sails!!

Cheerio for now


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Sounds like you might have gotten rid of all the bad mojo in one hit, Roberta... so next weekend you should hopefully be right. Try carrying a banana :biggrin2:

Shame about the photos but the first one of the bream 'looking us in the eye' is a beaut. Hope Michelle gets all the gear back.

Cheers, Slinky

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gday roberta, some nice breambos there! sorry to hear about your arthritis playing up. looking forward to catching up with you and cam at the social on the 20th. Rosetta found me some lovely weed the other day - What a great girlfriend! bring on the blackies!!!!


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It's good that the injection reduces the pain Roberta. However, if you have the op, it's a long recovery time. So what are you going to do?

The first picture of the bream is a ripper! :thumbup: It's eyes follow me around the room! :074:

Another great report.



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