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Salmon Troubles!


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Hi Raiders,

last saturday i went up to bobbin head as you probably know. I was mainly fishing for bream and leatherjackets but didn't have a whole lot of luck. only got 3 undersize bream and a tiny blackfish :thumbdown:

While i was there i noticed a few salmon dozing around inclose swimming back and forth along the breakwall. Of course i became interested in them and decided to throw a pilchard in front of them. nothing so i tried a prawn. nothing so i tried a squidgy. nothing so i tried a metal fish. nothing so i tried a popper. Whats wrong with em.

they just didnt even take a glance at anything. what a shame. any advice on how to catch these difficult fish.


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Salmon actively feed @ fist light and last light of the day, thats when they are most active.

If they were salmon then maybe it might have been the wrong time of day, alternatively I think the other raiders may be corect in assuming they were Mullet.

Mullet wont go past a bread bait on a tiny occy hook unweighted.

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Salmon will readily take plastics, provided they are presented correctly. I have found slender profile plastics worked briskly across the surface of the water to be deadly. Here is a report that discusses the issue further:


Color was a definite factor, and I believe the 'match the hatch' theory previously discussed here was spot on. The water was alive with small baitfish approx 3-4 inches long. Don't despair mate. Stick at it, try some of the suggestions in the report ... and hang on! :biggrin2: Good luck



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i did see a few mullet but these were certainly salmon. someone else a couple of weeks ago when i was there caught a salmon here on pilchards but no such luck for me.also, would it be worth throwing a livie

out around there or apple tree for something a bit bigger(jew).

Edited by mack attack 79
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its always worth throwing out a livie mate :thumbup: ya never now what can happen.....or butterfly him :1fishing1:

Ivz :beersmile:

what would u excpect to catch with a yakka or slimie around there????

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Jewies, Flatties, hairtail, Stud Bream, Sharks ... just to name a few...

Winter fishing in Sydney is a mecca of species and although the Kingies and other pelagics are well and truly gone the big fish are out in winter and they play hard and test anyones strength, mond, and their gear.

Hawkesbury River is a known hot spot for big Jew in winter, you just gotta be there right day right time with a bait in the water.

Good luck mate

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Dynamite works well when fish are like that I have been told.

There has been a few salmon around but what you encountered is more likely to be some mullet. With the water temp down and there metabolism very slow they could be enticed to feed on bread but the chances are you would just be pestered by bream and other unwantables.

(Geez any one would think I was a bream hater)

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