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Bubba And The Big Man Hit The South Coast

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When my usual team mate couldn't make it I called on the Big Man, JBjew and he was keen as mustard to do his first comp . This was my 4th trip to Sussex,St Georges Basin and it didn't let me down .

The first morning due to my late entry we started at the back of the 45 boats and headed off to try and get a bag for day one . First spot we had been casting for 5 to 10 mins when JB cries IM ONNNNN and this was a quality fish 34 the first of our bag and a great start for his fisrt comp . With changing conditions I pulled up stumps and moved to deeper water where JB yet again cried out IM ON and again brought in a beautiful 34 Fork bream now he was really smilin, we then had a good bight which helped us get our bag by 8.30, we then upgraded a few times during the day until the arvo when back in the shallows I hooked a horse . The fish didn't seem to know it was hooked and moped around for a couple mins while a just waited to get a glimpse as I could feel a lot of weight I new it was solid and hope to see a bream , finally when it came into veiw either the boat or our ugly heads gave the Horse a fright and it bolted and I just had to hold on chase him on the electric and wait him out , eventually we got him in close and JB scooped him up and I started screaming YEEEAAAAAAHHH, as I new this was a beast of a kicker fish in an already heavy bag with nothing under 33fork length . This bag was going to take some beating . We weighed in 4.65kg for 5 fish day 1 and were in the lead .

Day 2

We headed out this time in the front of the pack and went straight to shallow water and fished it for a short period 10mins I made the call to move , conditions were to bright and we hadn't got a touch , so off to the deep . One of the spots we had found the day before had a good school of fish on it and I had left it alone on saturday in the hope they would be there sunday, and they were there and in numbers , we had our bag by 8.05 and although they were small they were on the chew and over the rest of the session we pulled close to 40 legals and had upgraded every fish in the bag , the only problem was that many of them were 31 or 32 cm and you would have to try and guess which one was fatter . The weigh in came and we had another decent bag of 3.6kg and had to wait for the second place team to weigh in , and they had a good bag of 3.9kg and took the lead and the victory by a mere 20 grams , 10 fish for 8.275 beating our 8.255kg . Well Done to them but it was a bit of a heart breaker , still it's hard to sulk when you come second . But my Big bream did win me an extra $500 so that put a smile on my face

While there I met some good blokes and had a great time , see you at the BETS GF in SYD Gillie , and I will have a balance beam by then ,thanks mate!!

JB you did really well and The start you had on saturday was awsome I was so happpy to see you catch the first 4 fish , you couldn't stop smiling and I could tell it really helped settle your nerves . You must have learn't a fair bit this weekend as your fishing did definately improve since we last fished together , well done , you did yourself proud . You may again one day be called in off the bench to help out Team Marineware ,Thanks again mate .





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20grams from Glory... but I'd be smilin' anyway. What a great run you're having in the comps, Bubba. Great news that you did so well and scored some $$ to boot. The way you're going we'll be watching you on the AFC next year!!

Congrats boys :thumbup:

Cheers, Slinky

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Great result Dan and JBjew a balance beam may have gotten you the win

It was also good to meet you both and yeah the local guys down there are a really good bunch of guys Always ready to help

Neil and I finished 12th with a 2.8kg bag on saturday and 2.99kg bag on sunday I reckon all the good fish were at the other end of the basin to us

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Great effort & result Bubba! :thumbup:

Well done J.B on some nice fish. It sounds like you've got the hang of it mate. :yahoo:

Thanks for the updates over the w/end Bubba. It sounded like you were having a ball.



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Damn ... soooo close! :( Still, an outstanding effort, mate. You have got the tournament scene by the throat now. Good luck with the rest of the season. I don't think you have seen the last of the Winners Podium ;)



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Hi Bubba

I feel the pain! I feel the pain! Well done on Day 1 - Especially well done to JB for getting the ball rolling & shaking off the nerves!!! Congrats on the HORSE, too!!! So glad you brought him in!

Shame about Day 2 tho - you really do not only need the Culling Beam (see below.) you just put the 2 fish on - the one that goes up weighs less ...... keep the one that goes down.


I had a go at making a set, but they weren't 'true' but i am sure any smart fishing tackle shop should stock them! Maybe, check out our sponsors!? THey may have got some, or could get them in.

If you have the smallest one already 'tagged' by being in a separate section of the live well, separated by a wire wall (or better still, a separate livewell for the smallest!) it makes it easier again to compare to the next 'smallish' one using the beam. If really, really close ..... use the digital set of weighing scales too!! (to be sure!)

Well done Champ!!


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Great result Dan and JBjew a balance beam may have gotten you the win

It was also good to meet you both and yeah the local guys down there are a really good bunch of guys Always ready to help

Neil and I finished 12th with a 2.8kg bag on saturday and 2.99kg bag on sunday I reckon all the good fish were at the other end of the basin to us

Good job Andrew! Where is your report and pics thumbup.gifbiggrin2.gif


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Well done J.B on some nice fish. It sounds like you've got the hang of it mate. :yahoo:

Thanks mate... yes getting the hang of it. I now need to learn some of the magic fish finding skills Bubba has... cause at the end of the day he put me on them. So a big thanks to Dan for (competition aside) an absolutely mind blowing couple of bream sessions. We lost count of how many fish we landed at around 50...

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Thanks mate... yes getting the hang of it. I now need to learn some of the magic fish finding skills Bubba has... cause at the end of the day he put me on them. So a big thanks to Dan for (competition aside) an absolutely mind blowing couple of bream sessions. We lost count of how many fish we landed at around 50...

Top effort Dan and JB catching 50 bream on lures is a great effort in anyone's language.... :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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