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Success On The Georges River 8-06-10


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Hi Raiders,

Bassboy888 and I are both on holidays and were determined to have a mid-week fish. I had won some credit points with the :wife: by taking her to see the movie Eclipse yesterday, so she allowed us to go fishing today.

The weather gods were smiling on us as we launched from Woronora River at 6am with a plan to target Bream, EPs and Jewies. Our plan was to use SPs and blades on light line (4lb leader and 6lb Braid) and focus our efforts on the deep holes between Como and Lugarno. As the sun rose we first tried in the vicinity of the Como Bridge. We could not sound out any schooled fish and casting SPs and blades against the pylons resulted in a donut.

We then decided to head upstream to one of our deep holes. This change in location immediately brought success with a number of tentative hits on our SPs in the deeper water. Our initial catches were small tailor that were destroying our SPs, even the larger SPs we were using for Jewies. However, we knew that the taps we were getting in the deeper water felt more like bream and we just needed to get the SPs past the tailor. I decided to use a heavier weighted bloodworm wriggler SP cast onto a 10ft drop off for almost immediate success – I hooked and landed a nice 27cm bream that fought much harder than it’s size.



We continued to work the deep drop off for more hits and I was very surprised to catch a 26cm EP :thumbup: ....we have never caught an EP this close to the Como bridge.


By this stage Bassboy888 had got sick and tired of the small tailor destroying his SPs :mad3: and switched to his blade and I followed his lead for us to catch this brace of Bream.



After these last bream the hole finally went quiet and we decided to move upstream to our favourite hole near Lugarno. This move paid dividends with Bassboy888 using a small SP flick bait to almost immediately hook a large fish that dived for cover in the rock wall pulling drag like its life depended on it....unfortunately his line snaps :mad3: . After much cursing Bassboy888 persists with casting small SP flickbait into the same area to pull a massive EP from this hole.....his new EP PB is now 39cm :1yikes:



We continued fishing the hole using SPs and Blades for further success with more bream and EPs coming from the hole. :yahoo:



As Bassboy888 and I prepared to leave to try another hole he hooked another big fish that strips line as it runs for cover under a boat and after a brief battle his line snaps :1badmood: . We called it a large Bream and decided to persist in the hole for a while longer for a couple of small tailor. With the weather starting to turn for the worse at 11am we decided to call it quits and go home. Overall it was a great day despite the cold start. We really enjoyed the lack of boat traffic :thumbup: and I reckon we will be out again early next week to enjoy another mid-week session on the Georges River.

PS - all fish were released for another day

Edited by Basscatcher
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Thats a good session , and as the A-Team say "I love it when a plan comes together " , quality EP anyone would be happy with that fish . Go the blades !!!! They are an awsomw lure and you are obviously having success with em, good on you men , Congrats and great to see you both with such a good haul of fish ,

Tight lines


Oh and Bassboy with those sunnies you might just get a role in the next A-Team movie :biggrin2:

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Hi raiders - thanks for all of your comments. We really enjoy mid week fishing in the Georges River as I find that the deep holes don't fish as well when there is a lot of boat traffic about....it doesn't help that these are also the same place the jet skiers like to do their circuit work :thumbdown: .

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Top Georges session Bassmaster & son incorporated with style :thumbup: The areas you have been covering have got big jew written all over them especially back from the moored boats opposite the restaurant at Lugarno a run in tide job, and also the around the channel inside the figure eight at the moons... from my own expererience in the upper Georges in regards to doing a day session on the jew you only need to wait for a miserable cloudy morning that comes in as a change for the worse to be in there with a chance particularly if you happen drop a moving bait right into a jew hole.. still that doesn't seem to apply during the day time at CC Bridge with the run out tide jew for some reason but it can happen in the middle of the day from the start of the run out tide at places like Wanda but the daytime results seemed to happen during those lousy weather days when nobody would want to be out there anyway...

Good luck on the jew when you go down there next time and by the way basscatcher send me a pm if you like and I'll give you a couple of spots that would be worthwhile dropping a livie or a lure down into in the daytime to see if there's anyone home or not :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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