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Whats You Favourite?


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Hey raiders,

got a slow day at work so just curious what's the most special catch you anglers have ever had doesnt have to be the biggest fish or evem hard to catch just 1 fish that really sticks out in your mind for whatever reason....

i love my LBG fishing but my favourite fish i ever caught was a yellowbelly of around 3lb... that fish is why i despise fishing with lures.. after throwing a soft plastic around for 2 hours or so i eventually got bored cast the lure in the water and left it rested the rod against a tree lit up a smoke then suddenly BANG fish on... i had a laugh to myself, and went home with 1 fish on the bag.. but this is the first time i've told the story publicly where i reveal i was technically bait fishing with a lure ha ha ha ha :biggrin2:

so whats your favourite catch for whatever reason....

Edited by brettmann
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Hmmm, the one that sticks out for me was a chater off Shoalhaven Heads a coupla years ago.

It was November 08 I think... My mates Clinton, Arno, Damo, Frank and I went offshore with my mate Roy on his charter boat.

We went out only with pillies and a coupla frozen squid... we didnt get bait on way out.

At the end of we day we boated over 70fish (with 20used for cut baits) and a few returned to the water.

We actually took h0me 47fish between the 5 of us, including 4 Reds ranging from 34 to Franks HONKING 58cm, Mowies mine was biggest went 48cm, Bagged out on Flatties biggest was 63cm by the deckie, + a few Sweep, Slimeys and odd'n'ends

T'was a top day and weekend (we stayed in Shoalhaven for the for the weekend).

here's a piccie or 2

Tight lines





Edited by wannabefisho
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I think a lot of fisho favourites are when you catch something that you're not even close to targetting. Got this 2.5kg salmon last summer while blackfishing at kurnell. Had weed on at the time, saw a couple of splashes right near my float, wound in just a little and BANG! Thing I learnt very quickly from hooking a few previously is that when they jump, keep the pressure on so they don't shake the hook. When I got him in close a nice little wave lifted on to a lower ledge and before I knew it my good mate Steve was down there, grab him and threw up to my feet. Definetely different!



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The second time I took the Poly out (which happened to be the second night I had owned it) I was breaming in Woolooware Bay with nippers and cockles. I anchored up just on dark and had a school of yakkas break the water in front of me before I had even baited a hook.

Burleyed up a couple of yakkas and sent one out the front of the boat whilst I proceded to fish the old leases for bream. The yakka was out for about half an hour when it went off and I landed a 85cm Jew in two foot of water. Not bad for the first legal fish boated in the new Poly.

I still try and throw a livey out when I am up there but havent lost a large bait since.


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Wow good question..

Three spring to mind.

1, My first legal Jewie in the Georges river. (peeled prawn on very light spin gear)... now to crack the magic 100cm.

2, My longest fish, a lovely Fijian Barracuda, caught just off the island they filmed "Castaway" on. (hard body diver)

3, I guess the best catches of all, happen when you put a kid onto their first fish.. Makes me smile everytime!

Have a good one Raiders.


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Caught this Barra during some really tough fishing at Awonga and did it with my mate Mick in his Quinney. Caught on a slick rig using a 14lb Rod and 3500 size reel with about 40lb leader , this fish was measured at 115cm and is equall to my dads PB who was also fishing about 300m away at the time of this capture . Hooking the fish in a couple meters of water and watching it explode out of the weedbed was an awsome sight, one I will never forget .

When I get old I will bore my family my freinds thier freinds and even strangers at the RSL,shopping centres or bus stops with this story ,[ a very embelished and long version ].


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probably while fishing at narrabeen lakes one arvo, had a few mates with me just seeing what was about when a father and son team came down, they were very new to fishing so asked if we could give them a hand, happily showed them some simple rigs and knots and they were on their way, a little while had past and the kid (about 6 or 7) was gitting frustrated as he was getting bits but not hook ups.... so i hooked a fish on my rod and gave it to him to pull in... a small flattie about 30 odd cm.... the look on the kids face was awsome, his dad wanted to leave soon after but the kid wasnt going anywhere haha.... always good to get a youngster into the sport.....

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My first trip out to the Great Barrier Reef when I was about 14 with my father and a guy he worked with My uncle followed us out in another boat We left on a friday afternoon and anchored up on the Shoals fished during the night for some redthroat and other odds and ends then in the morning went over to Masthead Island and drifted the channel between Masthead and Erskine islands for an amazing array of fish that I had only read about in magazines Unfortunately the outboard started playing up on the way back to Gladstone harbour so the other boat we were with had to tow us the rest of the way home but all wasnt lost as we threw out some troll lines and managed a couple of spaniards which really annoyed the boat towing us :biggrin2:

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The year was 1964....

and a little skinny freckled kid snuck out of the house without permission.

Tackle was really serious stuff.

Don't know the line class, just whatever was on the hand cork I found in dads car

Bait was some smelly stuff I found caked on the local wharf (Kirribilli)

Fish was a 10" slimy mack!

Should have seen my mums face when I came home and asked her to cook it up!



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It would have to be the 91cm kingy I caught at Clifton a earlier this year on 15lb line. I had mates running around like headless chooks getting lines in & out of my way

A close second though was my brothers first salmon caught off the beach at Turros in March. He was rapt & the fish was an absolute cracker.

I do like watching others getting excited about a capture


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Fondest memory would have to be catching my first hairtail off Palm Beach headland when I was 12 or 13. Was the hardest fish ever fought, couldn't even turn the handle (but then I was only a kid). Brought it up and it was taller than my dad, silvery with flashes of iridescence, continual waves along its dorsal fin and HUGE sharp fangs! Freakish fish to see.

Best part was having it for sashimi! Yum! Still can remember the texture and taste.

Sadly, this was over 20 years ago and rarely see hairtail that size anymore :( .

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What a great topic :thumbup:

There have been many memorable moments, made so by the company, scenery, size or rarity of the catch. The one that lingers is my mind is one of the oldest. Armed with a Black Queen, Mitchell reel and a pocket full of Ondex spinners, I walked a very productive channel outside Shepparton in Vic. I reckon I was 12 or 13 the time. I'd spent the morning casting spinners in front of reed clumps that dotted the entire length of the channel. This had produced some very nice redfin which were dutifully placed in the creel. I'm not sure whether it was because he was being comprehensively outfished :biggrin2: or genuine interest in improving my lure casting ability, but my father threw me a black n tan Wigstan (now known as a Tassie Devil). Dad explained that " a mate of a mate of your Uncle's" had caught a nice trout in the channel recently and he was using one of these new-fangled lures. "Give it a go, son"

Well, I threw that bloody thing around for hours :mad3: My arms ached, I'd caught every bit of weed and reed in the damn channel and had no interest from a fish whatsoever. "That's it", I muttered, "He can stick his damn lure. I'm going back to the spinners". A quick burn of the reel and I had the lure within a couple of feet of the bank. A flash of brown, a HUGE displacement of water ... and a 3lb brown (my first!) was flopping around on the bank! :074: From that day to this, the family still recall the 'leaping trout incident', and the Tassie Devil (in pink) is still my 'go to' trout lure



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