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Hey Raiders,

I am looking for a new reel to go with a recently purchased Shimano t-curve deep jig 200 and I am tossing up between the Spheros 14000 and the Stradic 8000. I would prefer to get the stradic as it is a lighter/smaller reel that would make it easier to jig with but I am just a bit concerned if 13kg's of drag would be enough to stop metre plus kingsish. My dad already has a spheros 14000 and we can stop 90-100cm kingfish faily easily as it has 20kg's of drag. Im not sure if down sizing would be the best option here.

If any raiders could give me their thoughts or expierences on what reel would be the better option here it would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Prawn Star

Edited by Prawn Star
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Hi prawnstar ,

Have a look at the shimano saragoosa 14000f , little bit better than the spheros . 13 kg of drag is plenty you would be lucky to fish more than 11 kg of drag on a t curve 200 without breaking the rod . There are some reels that claim to have 30kgs of drag but in reality i am yet to see a spinning rod let alone angler hold on to a rod with 30kgs of drag .

Cheers Dogtooth...... :1fishing1: John.... :beersmile:

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The daiwa saltist spin 6500 has 30kg drag and retails for $300. Have a look at it its sweet for me. Stops horses.

yes, i looked at that reel and was amazed at the drag you could load up on it but when i saw some pics of it i realised how big it was. Im actually looking for the smallest reel possible yet with a lot of drag as i have had a lot of fish bust me off simply because i couldn't put enough drag on them :mfr_lol:

thanks for the suggestion anyway

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I've been thinking long and hard about a new reel and the Saragosa seems to be the one for me. I was thinking the 18000 but now think the 8000 will be perfect for what I'll be doing, at around $300 for the 8000 they're a steal and people love 'em. I'm gonna match it with a JM Powerspell.


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take Johns advice he is the kingie master

you wont be able to push 13kg of drag into a tcurve so dont worry about big drags

the gosa would be a great reel for that outfit spool it up with some pe3-4 and u will have a nice little combo

i dont think the smaller gosas come with carbontex drag washers so u might want to upgrade to them if thats the case for a smother drag

you dont need big drags and heavy rigs to catch big fish i no ppl who pull 1mtr+ kings jigging in <30mtrs of water using pe3 outfits

Edited by Framedtrash
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If you're running into trouble not having enough drag when a fish runs for cover you can always thumb the spool. You're fingers are very sensitive and with a bit of practice it can be a very good way to add that bit extra drag when you really need it...

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Hi mate, consider the saragosa 8000 it is a mch light reel hen 14000 spheros. As for drag, you always here about how much drag a reel claims and alot of angler place lots on emphasis on the drag they use, but believe me 13Kg of drag is huge and you will never be in a situation to use that much drag.

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Hey mate, i was just tossing up between spheros, saragosa and saltist and after a lot of research i decided to go with the saragosa 8000 for jigging.

it is pretty much just a beefed up spheros thats lighter, smoother and made for jigging (gear ratio wise).

if you want to buy them online you can get them pretty cheap but i opted to spend a little bit more and go with my local tackle store to ensure my australian warranty stands.

Oh and the saltist has undergone many tests which state that they CANNOT produce 30kg of usable drag, barely even the 30lb or drag they state on the U.S website. I deduced that the ratio might be a little fast for jigging too but someone who knows more can comment on that.

I matched it up to a PE 3-6 jig weight 150-250 rod.

Ill give you a report after i go jigging in shelharbour in a week or so.

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