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Nice Squid!


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Hey Marfoir

Welcome to FR. :1welcomeani:

Damn good looking squiddy you got there.

Even if you posted a 4 inch squid would make no difference to people on this site.

All here is good and all are interested in your posts irrelevent of size species or comments etc etc.


Trapper Tom

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Dont matter about the size mate, just nice to read reports out there and fishing topics, not being smart but that squid dosen't look fresh, the tenticles look stiff. Try and get your pictures on the same day off the catch. Cheers George.

Thanks Mate. Was the next morning when I took the photo. The squid colour was a bit more healthy on the flip side tho.

My mate caught one practically the same size a few minutes later. We were at the spot as the light was starting fade and as soon as twlight the Squid went off the bite. Later on about 10pm my mate was using the head section of the squid as bait near that huge bouy off Clifton gardens when he caught a MONSTER ray! I think it was a Fiddler ray. I'd estimate it was about 130cms from nose to tail!!

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