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Botany Bay Winter Lizards


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Jnr Jnr Poddy Trapper woke up this morning and asked 'Did the man win so we can still go Fishing?'.... I said nope he didn't win but neither did the lady. He then suggested we should go fishing today just in case we couldn't in the future, so we headed out today about 1.30 pm on the rising tide. We targeted the shallows figuring the warmer skinny water might be holding the fish given the deeper sections are just so freakin cold. We had to move around a bit, it was tough going to say the least. Fortunately I did make contact with this little bloke and handed the rod of while I was relagated to net duties.

39 cm Flathead (released)


Kept the drift going and about 15 minutes later I came up tight on something a little more substantial....she went for 3 or 4 solid runs, again Jnr Jnr PT pushed me out the way and handed me the net and had a ball playing her into submission. We got her on my new Twin Power/T-curve combo so it was great to put it through its paces. Couple of pics and back she went...

63 cm Flathead (released)




That was about it, snuck around to WB out of the wind but no action there....headed for home happy and content with a nice winter flathead in memory banks and photo archive.

Funny he asked me a good question while we were fishing.....he asked 'Dad is Fishing a Sport?' I said 'Yes, I reckon it is'....he then asked 'Well why doesn't that lady want us to play sport any more?'...good question mate, good question....

Tight lines

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Well done getting the young fella onto a couple of nice lizards. Looks like a nice arvo out there.

PS - lets hope the deals between the green man and the lady don't see a cancelation of our sport.......I wonder if the lady will let us play our sport if I wear an AFL Bulldogs jersey :biggrin2:

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Congrats on a plump winter flattie and some terrific photos, mate :thumbup:

Kids ask the best questions, don't they? With all the 'spin' and 'smoke and mirrors' that we have been hit with of late, I think you may have hit on the solution! Get the alleged leaders of government to address a forum of kids, and let's see how they respond to succinct questions like your young bloke's :biggrin2:



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G'day PT and PT JNR,

It's great to see the youngsters still keen to wet a line during the colder months.

Then to pinch dad's rod to fight a nice fish...

I've said this before and I'll say it again - it won't be long when dad is trying to pinch Jnr's rod so that dad can have a bit of a go ! :thumbup:

It really is a ray of hope for our fishing future when the kids drop the WII controller and pick up a t-curve instead.

Then when it's time for them to pick up the pen and vote, they choose the man who is also holding a fishing rod, even if it is a game stick in the estuary ! :074:


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Thanks for the comments guys....I've been very impressed with the concern Jr Jr PT has shown regarding fishing and potential changes that may occur if our 'Boogie Colour Friends' have there way....personally I'd be largely ok with 'No Take Zones' if they were just that 'No Take' as 99% of what I do is Catch and Release like many of you. But me thinks 'No Take' will actually mean 'No Fishing' so it sounds like once again politicians are saying one thing and meaning another. :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2:

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