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Botany Bay Port Jackson


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Caught this Port Jackson shark off La Perouse on the 15th when fishing with ReelMan.

Caught it while bottom bashing using pilly cubes.

Cool thing is the photo was taken with my iPhone which tagged the photo with a GPS marker which then can be recorded in google maps.

Technology is helping in the everlasting struggle to tip the odds in the Anglers favour!


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Cool thing is the photo was taken with my iPhone which tagged the photo with a GPS marker which then can be recorded in google maps.

Technology is helping in the everlasting struggle to tip the odds in the Anglers favour!

Nice catch mate! Gotta love iphones


You've been able to do that with a lot of Phones and some Cameras long before the iPhone come out ;)

It's called Geotagging, the location data is written to the My linkdata contained within a digital file, other things written to the Metadata of photos include things like Time, Date, Camera/Phone model, ISO setting, Focus Length and a bunch of other photographic bits of data

There is a BIG privacy aspect with Geotagged photos which is why a lot of people disable Geotagging, because if you take a photo that has Geo data on it and its say something you shouldn't be doing, or you don't want people to know about or find out it is you or even find out where it was taken a lot of people who don't understand that photos contain hidden data can and have gotten in a lot of trouble when they have uploaded them on the internet or emailed them or someone had just gotten a hold of them

One incident that comes to mind is a photograph taken on an iPhone of someone taking a certain substance that was traced back to someone working in the Whitehouse!!

All in all though it is a brilliant thing I quite often use on trips when using my Android phone, just snap a photo when network/gps location is enabled and voila I know the general location (it rarely is the EXACT location but nearby due to some technical mumbo jumbo I wont go into here lol)

It's generally advisable before posting a photo to the internet to read the Metadata first to find out what exactly you are sharing! and if necessary remove the Metadata before posting, the same also goes for any digital file they contain Metadata which can give you away

Sorry for the long lesson there Raiders just thought I should point that out to save people giving away Geotagged photos of their favourite spots or where they live etc ;)

Also top Port Jackson you caught there mate

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Did it have any extra hooks. I and another fisho left a few in around six odd PJ`s the other day.

There is certainly no shortage of them in the bay.

Can`t wait for the wind to drop so we can fish in a bit of comfort.

Nope. It was a 'virgin'!

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Were you fishing off the rocks at Bare Island by any chance??

Caught a few myself


Did it have any extra hooks. I and another fisho left a few in around six odd PJ`s the other day.

There is certainly no shortage of them in the bay.

Can`t wait for the wind to drop so we can fish in a bit of comfort.

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