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Avoca Not That Safe


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there is two lucky fishos out there today ,yesterday two rock fisherman went in at south avoca ,no life guards on duity yet ,lucky there was a metting been held at the surf club with the gosford life guards .they got the jet ski out and pulled them in to shore where there was two doctors having a coffee ,one was not in a good way the other had the angle ring to keep him afloat and was alot better than his mate ,LOOK AT THE WATER IF THEY ARE SURFING THE POINT GO HOME ITS NOT WORTH IT ,

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Avoca has a reputation for being one of Australias most dangerous platforms and Im not surprized by another bunch of lads being washed in coz they dont know their limits nor the platform itself.

I surfed Avoca for many, many years as a youngster and I know how dangerous it can get, Ive seen people washed in and people drown first hand and its not pretty- I reckon some of the fisherman who think they "it will never happen to me" need to see and experience it first hand or cop a washin themselves before they realize how dangerous rock fishing really is... Im sure locals like RayR and Mercer007 wouldnt have contemplated even stepping onto the rocks on that day and they are locals who know the area like the back of their own hands- I hope the people who suffered were not FR members as I would expect with the amount of threads and videos about safety on the rocks they should have know better.

Any fish isnt worth anyones life- I just dont understand why anyone would be crazy eneough to even attempt to fish there- I was out @ Broken Bay on the weekend on the beaches and the swell was 2m+ on a bech that Ive NEVER seen surf over 2 foot in 10 years- the swell was 3-04m off the point and the local surfers would even go out, thats how hectic it was on the day- all fisherman were on the sand and we were having troubles staying where we were current was raging with a strong undertow and rips everywhere along the beaches.

Not only does on jeopardize their own life, but the lives of the local surf rescuers have to risk their own lives to save YOU, and also costs $$$ to the local economy- its EXTREMELY selfish and dangerous and heartbreaking for family/friends/colleagues- so think twice before you step onto ANY platform... Read the surf for between 30minutes to 1 hour (from somewhere safe)... NEVER fish alone... ALWAYS have an ecape route planned in case something happens... and use a PFD and make sure you wear cleats and can swim- if you dont adhere to these basic you shouldnt even be thinkin about fishing or going anywhere near a rock platform.

Sadly Rock fishing is Australias most dangerous sport- there are less shark attack victims than there are drownings from rock fishing- if you have any doubts then stay away from the rocks, you will thank your lucky stars that you did.

Tight lines


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there is two lucky fishos out there today ,yesterday two rock fisherman went in at south avoca ,no life guards on duity yet ,lucky there was a metting been held at the surf club with the gosford life guards .they got the jet ski out and pulled them in to shore where there was two doctors having a coffee ,one was not in a good way the other had the angle ring to keep him afloat and was alot better than his mate ,LOOK AT THE WATER IF THEY ARE SURFING THE POINT GO HOME ITS NOT WORTH IT ,

I was there on Monday arvo/evening,the swell wasn't to bad but you had to keep one eye on it all the time.But,further round there was a group of 6 or 7 asians chasing Salmon,Standing right up to the edge with runners or thongs on,talking to each other with thier backs to the water.Just an accident waiting to happen.Some people only learn the hard way.

Take care....

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I remember a few weeks ago somebody posted up that Avoca is a safer rock than other places. I also noticed that he has been there once or twice.

Guys Avoca is not a harbour Jetty, in 15mins in the right conditions you can go from flat and bone dry to water over the top and 10m back! I have seen it!

Wear the right footwear, wear a PFD if you can't swim well, check the weather, and learn how to check the weather! Or don't......

Just don't be doing stupid stuff in front of me because I really don't want to see you drown or get smashed to a pulp between a rock and the Pacific Ocean.

Also nationality means very little I find when it comes to safety or obeying fisheries rules. I have seen people from all races do stupid things. The faster we all start to not stereotype the better it will be for all of us on the rocks!

Show respect for each other, the fisheries rules and teach each other safety and technique but also have etiquette. I also endorse the enforcement of etiquette.

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there is two lucky fishos out there today ,yesterday two rock fisherman went in at south avoca ,no life guards on duity yet ,lucky there was a metting been held at the surf club with the gosford life guards .they got the jet ski out and pulled them in to shore where there was two doctors having a coffee ,one was not in a good way the other had the angle ring to keep him afloat and was alot better than his mate ,LOOK AT THE WATER IF THEY ARE SURFING THE POINT GO HOME ITS NOT WORTH IT ,

well spoken,

if in doubt i,m happy to go to plan B.And if in a new area tread lightly because usually thats when the unexpected will happen. :1yikes: 10/10 to the guys who went to there rescue. :clapping:


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i have seen that phase a few times, but do not know what it means. can someone explain to me please?

its quite simple .if you get out of your car in the car park and see they are surfing on the point along side the rocks get back in your car and think twice about fishing ,the point only breaks in very large southly swell on a swell that has east in it ,any sell that comes from the nortn east in mostly wind swell close peaks that smash the rocks and was back to sea ,this makes the water close to the rock ledge very choppy and unsafe to be in .any size swell will just keep chopping around your head ,in no time you have coped a few mouth fulls of water and you start to panic ,even the best swimmers have trouble if you cop a bit of salt water down you throat ,if you are in this poisition you must swim out and stay calm ,stay a float and wait for help ,if you can swim dont try and fight the current just go with and stay calm. so its is simple look and see what you are looking at dont be a hero ,its not worth your life or someones eles how trys to help you ,

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