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Can't Wait Till The Water Warms Up.


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I have been hitting the water a fair bit in the last few weeks, I am luck enough to be five minutes walk to the water, and grab my rod at any chance and have a few casts.

Well the last couple of weeks has been good to me. It started with a good perch inhaling a flick bait and then an elbow slapping whiting smashed a prawn pattern off the

surface. This inspired me to get the boat out and travel further a field. I found a deep corner and got a few more perch on flick baits. I had planned on having a go at

getting my third Jew on plastic but the tide was still ripping so i stopped at a spot i had spooked a few big flatties in my kayak. I thought about changing down from the

110mm plastic on my rod, but thought any flattie that has a go at that will worth it. Fired out a cast and a flick or two and i come up tight. It had that lump of weed feeling

of a good fish and then it started to head shake. A quick run and another bout of head shakes and it throws the hook. "S..T" and i put out another cast and a few minutes the

same thing happens but this time he gets close enough to the boat to spit the plastic in my face. "S..T" and out goes the plastic again and it happens again. "FU..nny"

So i decided to change down to a 70mm to get it down their gobs and get the hook in, out it goes.... not a tap. So out goes a blade, nothing, then a 50mm plastic, nothing.

So i grab the rod with the 110mm and put it out again and second cast .. well i can't say i hooked up but it got a good chew.

So with the sound of laughing flatties still in my ears i walked down to the river after lunch and cast a few plastics over the flats. It was all pretty quiet until i felt a tiny tap and i struck.

It struck back in the other direction, i got some line back and then saw its side flash and i knew it was a good bream and i backed the drag a little, and it took off again.

A few nervous minutes later i beached him a nice fat blue nose bream. No camera, no phone, no tape measure so i grabbed a stick and snapped it to length and got him back in the water.

With the stick in my bum bag i kept fishing with just a few bumps and taps.

When i got home i measured my stick, a new PB bream on plastic 41.5cm. I am thinking of having the stick mounted on the wall with a spot reserved for one of those

bloody flatties.

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Well done on a superb bream, Softprawn! I keep my fishing licence on my camera, so I have to take it with me whenever I go! :biggrin2: Such a shame you haven't got a pic - it may be a while before you see another thumper like that!!!

Isn't it great when you see the flatties scatter when you are drifting in the yak? I've seen some real monsters when I've drifted over deeper water too. It takes a lot to scare those one!! :1yikes:



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Thanks for the replies. I thought i would STICK with the thread

and let you know i have been out again and have mounted the STICK as

a PERCH, sorry thats the best i can come up with. Well six between 27.5

and 17 cm and pulled the hook on the best one at the side of the kayak.

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Thanks for the replies. I thought i would STICK with the thread

and let you know i have been out again and have mounted the STICK as

a PERCH, sorry thats the best i can come up with. Well six between 27.5

and 17 cm and pulled the hook on the best one at the side of the kayak.

Good onya mate - particularly with the stick mounting thing - sure my lot would delight in pointing that out and saying look at the stick my Dad caught :074:

Cheers Blood Knot

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