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Hawkesbury 19/10


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Hi fellow raiders, after finally getting a fish worth posting about, this is my first post.

Got out on the Hawkesbury finally on Tuesday morning for a solo fish, with every intention on visiting one of the inshore reefs off Broken Bay. Unfortunately the conditions once exposed to the light southerly were extreme to say the least (I've not been in conditions before where every 1m+ wave looks like it's about to break), so got out of there in a hurry and settled in for a day of estuary fishing.

Spent some time at Flint & Steel, where my only catch was a 32cm bream. Nice, but not worth the anchor I had to cut off upon trying to leave :1badmood: . I'd heard there were flatties on the drift between Juno and F&S, so I gave that a go for many hours, even trying Refuge Bay with no luck but a few small reddies. All of this in a lightish southerly and patches of drizzle, not much of a day.

I'd been going for about 8 hours, trying the drift in different spots, until 2pm when I finally got into the right drift, and in the same veil of secrecy shown on this site, I'll just keep the mystery going by saying it was in the vicinity of Gunyah Pt. First in the bag was a nice 40cm flattie, and then I finally caught the flattie of my dreams - a 3.2kg, 79cm monster! When I first got sight of it, I let a few expletives go as I'd not seen one that size since I was a kid. All a bit of a waste really given I was on a solo trip :biggrin2: . Got the big girl into the boat, took a few quick snaps, and got her majesty back into the water, ready to make some more flatties for future fishermen. Note in the pics the yellow ruler is 40cm long, the orange one is 80cm.

Did a few more drifts in the same area, and grabbed another couple of 40-43cm flatties. A nice full bag, and they'll be on the barbie tonight!


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Edited by Canary05
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