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Middle Harbour This Morning


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Hit the water nice and early at 2.30am and headed straight over to the spit and tried for squid till sunrise and managed to catch a total of NIL squid. The yakkas thou weren`t playing as hard to get and the livie tank was easily filled. Over to the moorings we anchored up, not long there and my bro pulls in a long but thin 72cm model,high fives and we crack open a :beersmile: Due to other happenings we had to leave straight away and were back at the ramp at 9am. This was the fist sesh in ten trips that i left the down rigger at home and came up trumps :yahoo: Special thanks to greg for getting my mojo going when i met him back at the ramp last week :thumbup: cheers... mim.

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Hit the water nice and early at 2.30am and headed straight over to the spit and tried for squid till sunrise and managed to catch a total of NIL squid. The yakkas thou weren`t playing as hard to get and the livie tank was easily filled. Over to the moorings we anchored up, not long there and my bro pulls in a long but thin 72cm model,high fives and we crack open a :beersmile: Due to other happenings we had to leave straight away and were back at the ramp at 9am. This was the fist sesh in ten trips that i left the down rigger at home and came up trumps :yahoo: Special thanks to greg for getting my mojo going when i met him back at the ramp last week :thumbup: cheers... mim.


Well done mate. Dont you hate it when the squid play hard to get :ranting2: , at least the yakkas were easier.


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Hit the water nice and early at 2.30am and headed straight over to the spit and tried for squid till sunrise and managed to catch a total of NIL squid. The yakkas thou weren`t playing as hard to get and the livie tank was easily filled. Over to the moorings we anchored up, not long there and my bro pulls in a long but thin 72cm model,high fives and we crack open a :beersmile: Due to other happenings we had to leave straight away and were back at the ramp at 9am. This was the fist sesh in ten trips that i left the down rigger at home and came up trumps :yahoo: Special thanks to greg for getting my mojo going when i met him back at the ramp last week :thumbup: cheers... mim.

well done any photos

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Was that Irish coffee you were celebrating the catch with.

I have a feeling the kings this year will not be as fussy what they will scoff down.

With heaps of juvenile kings about the pickings will be slim.

Lots of tight lines and bust ups for summer


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You guys need to get another freezer :thumbup:

Hey mimyo - Are you aware that the possession limit for Kings (and pretty much all fish) is the same as the bag limit? i.e. you are only supposed to have 5 Kings total at anyone time... So not much point in having a bigger freezer when there should only be 5 Kings in there at any one time.

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Hey mimyo - Are you aware that the possession limit for Kings (and pretty much all fish) is the same as the bag limit? i.e. you are only supposed to have 5 Kings total at anyone time... So not much point in having a bigger freezer when there should only be 5 Kings in there at any one time.


You might want to have a look at this link. Daily bag limits apply on a 24hr period but possession limits also apply. How is a angler to prove they only have the possesion limit in their freezer if the fish have been filleted/steaked, and stored?? Interesting,,,,,,,,,,


Edited by Dan and Greg
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Hmmm I was pretty certain you can remain within the bag limits on a daily basis,,, ie 5 kings today and 5 more tmr, however the responsibilty falls upon the person to prove to authorities that these fish have been caught on seperate outings, and not all caught on the one outing but over a period of two days.

I would be grateful to see the exact legislation for this.


Here you go Dan... Straight from the DPI website. (http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/regulations/sw/sw-bag-and-size/about-bag-and-size-limits)

Bag Limit and Possession limit are one and the same - i.e. you are only allowed 5 Kings TOTAL in your possession regardless of when you caught them.

Bag limit

Bag limit is the maximum number of fish per person in possession. A maximum daily bag limit of 20 applies to any fish or invertebrate not included in the tables bag & size limit tables.

Daily bag limits are one of the key tools for managing recreational fishing. They limit the number of fish that an individual angler can catch and keep in a 24 hour period.

Bag limits are typically put in place for a number of biological and social reasons including:

  • conserving fish stocks
  • sharing the catch between recreational fishers and other users
  • encouraging responsible and ethical use of fisheries resources
  • assisting in reducing illegal fish sales
  • protecting threatened or vulnerable species

Bag limits apply to all forms of recreational fishing for fish and invertebrates, including line fishing, spearfishing, hand gathering, prawn scooping, drag netting, bait collection, and the use of crab traps, nets and lobster pots.

Possession limit

A possession limit is the maximum number of fish that a person is allowed to have in their possession at any time. Possession limits provide a useful tool to discourage illegal sales of fish by constraining recreational fishers from accumulation commercial quantities of fish. For all saltwater species, the daily bag limit is the possession limit and it applies to all areas of the state.

<a name="Boat-limits" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">Boat limits

Boat limits aim to limit the catch of anglers fishing in the same boat over a 24 hour period. These apply regardless of the number of people in the boat. Boat limits are intended to limit the overall recreational fishing catch and prevent the circumvention of personal daily bag limits by individual fishers through the carrying of non-fishing passengers in a boat. At present, the only boat limit applies to gemfish (10 fish).

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You might want to have a look at this link. Daily bag limits apply on a 24hr period but possession limits also apply. How is a angler to prove they only have the possesion limit in their freezer if the fish have been filleted/steaked, and stored?? Interesting,,,,,,,,,,


There is no such thing as a 'daily bag limit' in NSW! If you have 5 kings in your freezer, you can't keep any more - period. As to how they can tell, that's another question. Personally I think its a stupid rule because 1. most people seem unaware of it and 2. its almost totally unenforceable. Better in my view to have a lower daily limit.

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