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Hawkesbury Tips


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Hey guys.

i havent fished the hawkesbury for a few months. When we do we hire a boat and go straight to Dangar island and get flatties, Tailor, small bream, small pinkies and occassionally whiting. It seems like a very likely place to find whiting as the water is no more than 3 meters deep. I need a few tips on Whiting. We fish with bait usually:

1. What Baits

2. What tide

3. line

and anything else i need to know.

Any other spots along that area would be great and tips on other fish and baits.


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hi mack attak,

What I usually do when fishing for whiting, bream, flatties ect in the hawksbury is have 2 bait rods out in the rod holders with small bits of pealed prawn on a size 2 - 4 long shank hook with sinkers. And while these are out while im drifting I will bounce a plastic along the bottom for flatties. This way you can cover all basis and come home with a nice mixed bag. As for leader 4 - 8 pound should be fine for the bait rods and other baits that are good for BIG whiting are pink nippers and live beach worms.

Good luck on your next trip, Prawn Star

Edited by Prawn Star
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I don't do much plastic fishing but might give it a go. The norm is to get a few legal flatties up to 45cm and smallish tailor and bream aswell. If we manage a small tailor or small whiting is it worth using it as a livie somewhere??

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hey mate,

i've never put a whiting down as a livie before but I dont see why you couldn't try, it could bring a nice jewie undone. and a live tailor is an excelent jewie bait, try fishing it around the bridge pylons and in deep holes around that area. if there is a jewie in the area it will definatley have a crack at your livie.

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Hey Steven,

I thought i read something that said Tailor have to only be over 21cm to use as live bait. Most of the tailor we catch there are around 28cm so if they do have to be 30cm then they would be too small.

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This is from the fisheries web site. As for the rigs to use at the bridges, you will want to hold bottom so no float and a large sinker. It runs to fast to fish anything else. If using a 30cm tailor 2 large sinkers.

Take or be in possession of fish or

invertebrates in excess of the bag

limit or of a size outside the legal size

limits. All prohibited size fish must be

released immediately. You must not hold

prohibited size fish or fish in excess of the

legal bag limit in a live well or use them

for bait even if they are injured or dead

on capture. If you have purchased fish

or bait from a commercial vendor, retain

the receipt to present to an I&I NSW

fisheries officer.

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I was just thinking that i might give the bridges a miss because of that current. We have a lot of difficulty there especially with the anchor. I think we will just stick to Dangar Island and if There are any other suggested spots for either Jewies or any other fish that are nearby then it would be great to know.


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