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Raiders Barra Trip.


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G'day all.

Wish us luck!!

4 hopefull Raiders are making the trip to Lake Monduran on Thursday to see if we can score some 1sts & p.b Barra.

Myself, Slinky, Roberta & Outdoordan will be fishing hard from Thursday arvo until Monday midday. :thumbup: The lakeside cabin has been booked for 7 months. :1yikes:

Roberta is already on her way from Forster staying in Nambucca tonight. Dan is driving up from Sydney tommorow & we will pick up that cane toad loving, mobile tackle store Slinky early Thursday.

If we catch a barra then well & good & if we don't then that's fishing. We will have fun trying though. :biggrin2:

I was just thinking before that every one of us did not know each other before we met through Fishraider. How cool is that?! :yahoo:



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