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Testing The Drag 2 - Smoke If You Got Em.....


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Hi Raiders,

Planned to hit the harbour early, and try and test out the drag again. Had set the alarm clock for 4.30,

but was woken at 2am by heavy rain, so it wasn't looking good. The baby woke me at 4, it was still raining

rang my mate Kieran- who was packed and already ready to leave, I asked if he had any of his Crazy South African Jerky, he did, we got me over the line to head out, so off we went.

It was one of those magic Sydney mornings, pouring with rain, a bad forecast and the ramp all to ourselves - guess smart people wait to see what the weather is going to do at first light, but crazy people know better....

We were late as we had to get extra supplies on the way, and by the time we started fishing for Yakkas it was already starting to get light, I passed my mate a bait rod and told him I havent got time to show you how to catch yakkas, just throw it in try and catch one while I fill the tank. When he'd pulled 8 in a row in and I'd still hadnt added to tally,

A call was made to swap sides and give me the bait rod, I pulled one in that was ready to fufill its destiny, it looked like it had be swallowed and spat out by a kingy before, I swapped back to my handline changed baits and tactics and pulled in three in a row we had a enough for the session and headed off into the harbour.

We got to the first mark, and sent down the yakka that looked like it had done it all before who also was the biggest in the tank. I often wonder what happens to the yakkas went they get hit as i've never seen one down the throat of a king,

but by the looks of this guy, some do make it and escape after the strike, and by the look in his eye as he was pulled down with the bomb it wasnt something he was looking forward to and was rattling the rod in protest.

The rattling did not go unnoticed, and in a repeat of Wednesday the first pass results in a hookup.

Kieran was first on strike and ready to pull in his second ever king - well that was the plan - so with the charter special's drag maxed, he pumped and wound the fish hard up to the surface and managed to turn it head away from the structure and back towards to boat. Rather than change sides, he stayed on the downrigger side and the fish charged straight down and for the downrigger line, I raced to the side and tried to wind the bomb in and unhook his line, by now the fish was in view and was easy PB for Kieran and my boat.

Now I am sure I got the line unhooked, but somehow I was still holding onto the leader when the fish bolted, this fish which had been skull dragged was still green, and saw the bottom of the boat and took off like a bat out of hell - leader soon turned to braid which turned inot a cut hand, which turned into me swearing, the reel screaming and seconds later,

in the famous words of Kevin Bloody Wilson "it was over, before it began"

Round two. We line up again for a second pass, this time the rod doubles up and where on again. Without a squeak from the

drag, an 83cm very fat king is netted and Kieran says he accepts my "appology" for losing his other fish (which was somewhat bigger than this one)

The fish shut down and so we change to squid we'd bought - first pass a little rat of 40cm.

It was now pouring and we were soaked so headed off to another location. The rain seemed to follow us, and we got even wetter and didnt see another fish on the sounder. Headed back to the orginal mark to fish the tide change and we got another King 72cm but a lot thinner than the first. We missed another hookup on a squid head and then the rain seem to get heavier. We raced back to the ramp tied the boat up and the rain stopped.

post-2971-033990000 1289027025_thumb.jpg

Big difference in condition of the two fish - Fat & Skinny

And of course it didnt rain again all morning :ranting2: should have stayed out

When we returned to the ramp there was a few other trailers there so we obviously werent the only crazy ones

Kingy & Chips again for dinner :biggrin2:


Edited by Burley King
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I'm gonna add you to the list of people i know who consistently catch kings. Well done! Report was a funny read as well. Love your descriptions of that special yakka hahaha. Stuff like this gives me a good break from the study. Might go out tomorrow morning only IF it's raining. how about that for crazy? theres just enough detail in the pic for me 2 figure out where ur at hahaha. shudda cut of the left 1mm of the pic if any1 knows what i mean :P


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Nice work mate. You did better than a lot of other raiders out there today who stayed in middle harbour. Was very quiet! Might be that time of year and season to be going wider.


PS I stayed in bed when I awoke at 4am, whereas Greg hit it last night at 1030pm. Mad bugggers, you and him alike

Edited by Dan and Greg
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