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Botany Bay 13/11


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Well I finally manage to get out for a fish.It has been a good 4-5 months due to work/kids sport & bad weather.

Hit the water about 6am from Sylvania with Rob(Father in law). Plan was to try and head outside if conditions would allow.As we motored thru the bay the conditions looked great and i was suprised by how few boats were out.

As we reached the heads the swell started to roll in and as we got abit further out was quiet decent.Decision was made to head back in,and we headed towards Brighton for a drift.As we neared we noticed birds diving into the water and could see some little bust ups on the surface which we discovered were small tailor and had some fun catching a few.I managed to hook a just legal flattie(40cm)and a 39cm whiting.

After nothing else for a while and several unsuccesful moves to various spots we decided to try a drift in close, near to the sailing club.

It was then that my little rod buckled over,I had a soft plastic out as we drifted..I could tell straight away that this was a good fish.

After what was probaly a 4-5 min fight(felt like 15) we got a glimpse of a good flattie in the water.

It then took several runs as Rob tried his best to land the fish with the net.finally we had it in the net and a 83cm Flathead was on board.

We decided to keep it for a feed and I am looking forward a feed of fresh fish,as it has been so long.

Flattie was caught on a shimano catana 702,2-4kg with sienna 2500 6pound crystal fireline,8pound vanish on a 70mm squidgy fish(killer tomato) on a 1/8TT jighead.

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Edited by vipernut
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Another big flathead in a Fishraider report!

That's a great catch Stephen! I don't know how you guys catch fish like that with light gear. :thumbup:

Looks like you made the right decision to stay inside the Bay rather than go outside with a big swell running.



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G'Day Vipernut,

Awesome catch, I am sure a fish that big provided some nice fillets!

I think I saw you on the water, I stayed out until 3.00 but used the foreshore ramp, as it seemed more user friendly when solo.

I was on the water from 5.30-3.00 and scored one little 40cm flatty, after 300 casts.

Changed plastics, tried blades/vibes, more plastics, drifted, motored used the new i-pilot.................

Oh well.


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I think I saw you on the water,

Hi Rob,

Was in the father in laws yellow/white half cabin with a 60hp yamaha on the back.

How nice was it in the bay,the weather was sensational.

If you were anywhere near us when i caught the flatty,i was the one yelling and screaming with arms raised in the air.

we got a good feed out of the croc, feed me & my other half and 3 kids + the in laws.

A few more pics

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Mate i saw a few people cheering that day.

I was out there fishing with my mate in my Stacer nomad...

It was great conditions on saturday morning, I put my boat in the water at 0530 from the tom ugly's ramp and was surprised that i was one of the first out that morning.

My watersnake is in the shop getting fixed at the moment so it was great that the tide was coming in and there wasn't much wind around.

Went home at around 11am to get some sleep before the night shift... Good to sea so many fish being caught.

I must admit though, i'd prefer to see that big one go back in. But at the end of the day everyone's allowed one over 70cm aren't they.

Well done on a good day's fishing.

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