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Parramatta River 11/5/05

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I hit the parra again this morning, started at about 7.30am having Matt the Matrix man as my parra river guide (thanks for the valuable lessons today Matt).

We started working from Hen and Chicken bay, fished some pontoons and moored boats around the area. I landed 2 flatties from there, first fish to my new reel and first fish of the day.

On the way out to the main river, Matrix landed a smallish bream about 22cm. But a bream is still a bream.

We then tried to fish around Gladesville area with little luck, I think we came across Mick P's boat. Nice boat you got there Mick!.

He was fishing the marina and we were fishing moored boats under the bridge.

From there we went to X spot, where the fun begins... Matrix was hooked onto a decent bream about 26-28cm but I was too slow with net, and the fish spat the hook out(sorry there matey) I'm sure he was cursing at me inside his head.

After a few hits and no hookups I finally hooked onto something decent, then I saw silver... IT's A BREAM !!!

landed the fish measured 34cm to the tail, my PB for bream on lure.

I was using pearl blue BM. Matt landed 3-4 more breams from there,

but they were just legal or just under.

The fish stopped biting after a while and we decided to call it a day.

Here are the pictures:

My PB bream.


Matt's decent bream, he was too shy for the camera.


Flattie Number 1


Flattie Number 2


And finally, all those fish are released.


Now I have faith in my lures.

Looking forward to more breams.



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:1clap: It was a top day out on the water with ya mate, thanks :thumbup: . It was one of those days where we didnt catch any big un's or heaps of fish but it was tonnes of fun going around exploring and trying a few things, the great conditions helped :1clap: too, no wind, calm waters and hardly any traffic.

And for the record, I wasnt :1badmood::1badmood: abt the missed netting! I was too happy just being out on the water. Not to mention the fact we both hooked on to a few more fish around the area hehe.

So until next time, congrats on your new lure caught PB :1prop: , I'm betting our next trip we'll be able to up that a bit :thumbup:


PS: btw, I didnt know u took that pic of my midget breamski! I feel so violated :074:

PPS: for those interested, most of my fish were caught on Pearl Watermelon and Pearl Blue fitted onto a 1/24th size 2HW Nitro Bullet, with the 2inch Hawgs, Pseed,Bloodword and Pink BMs not to the fish's taste on the day

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Nice fish fella's, what sort of boat were u in.

I also fished the parra yesterday as Mick R had to work and I was to lazy to make the trip to the hawksbury. I started the morning at some fav boats at kissing point and didn't find a fish so moved on quickly. At gladesville there was a heap of working birds so I rigged a 3" hawg and cast out and got slugged a few times with no hookup. I cast out again with a quick retrieve and got a small chopper. Kept casting until the plastic was no more and got a chopper every cast (8 in total) then moved on to the LC. fished moored boats there only landing about 5 bream up to 32cm slow rolling 3" hawgs and 3" gulp curly tail minnows just under the hulls, no fish came from the bottom. Caught up with Mick P/Rich P and another fella with a dark red stessl edgetracker (very nice rig and fella) and everyone was doing it tough. I moved on to Gore bay and fished the fisheries docks and got to break in my kingbolt on a 30cm bream locked up in the pilons. by 11am I had 6 fish mainly legals. I moved again to some deep jigging around the snail bay pilons and the fish were banked up. I would watch the line as the lure was dropping for fish on the drop as I was able to use a 1/12 jig because the weather was awsome. The fish must have been schooled as I picked up 14 bream and a trevor in just over an hours fishing without moving from the same deep pilon. Again mostly legal fish with a couple in the low 30's. Took off around 1pm to beat the M4 traffic but stopped at the bridge and got a nice bream on my first jig so called it a day on that note.

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Hiya Rick

Yeah we saw a school of seagulls smacking something in the water, in an area real close to a rock wall. Not sure where we were at the time though.

So u broke in the Kingbolt eh...everything u expected of it?


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Nice fish fella's, what sort of boat were u in.


We were on a white open boat haines, with a 40 HP yammie.

This bream on SP bug is getting me mate... gotta go out more and practise more. Next goal is to get one on HB.



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Hiya Rick

Yeah we saw a school of seagulls smacking something in the water, in an area real close to a rock wall. Not sure where we were at the time though.

So u broke in the Kingbolt eh...everything u expected of it?



Unbeleivable that I purchased the rod a few months ago and only ever used it for squidding but it has been 3 months since I have targeted bream. It has tonnes of guts but easily cast the 1/40 hws jigs I was using. Only rod I didn't get a wind knot in all day aswell but it could be the large runner guide combined with fact I only use 2500 size reels on the daiwa rods.

I saw u fellas head into IC around 1pm when I was heading back from snails.

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I saw u fellas head into IC around 1pm when I was heading back from snails.


Do you drive a hornet Rick ? If you do then it's probably you, that we saw near the island (can't remember the name) before iron cove.

Nice work fellas, congrats on the new PB Mario.  :biggrin2:


thanks Andrew... :biggrin2:

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I'll just whack this report in here....

After yesterday's inspiring day, I head out to fish the parra again this time with Darryl(marlin_dc). We started late, because I had bloody uni. We started at around 3.30ish launching the boat from Drummoyne.

First destination is back to the X spot, after a few casts Darryl hooked up a nice bream. It was his first bream on SP. It went 32cm to the tail,still smaller than my PB heheh

Today was his day, he kept getting hits, and after a while he hooked up another bream, this bream went straight to a structure, luckily Darryl reacted quickly and pulled him out(thanks to the training he had with the kingies at cliftons). He finally landed the bream, this time it's a 33cm model. still 1cm short of my PB but it was his PB so congratulations to him. well done bro !!!

I hooked a smallish bream but it got away, and darryl landed another smallish bream.

The fun doesn't end here...

Since I forgot to bring the camera, and Darryl caught his PB bream. We decided to pick up the camera at my house. So we drove the boat back all the way to Bayview Park, and I walked all the way to my house just to get the camera. By then it was raining cats and dogs, with water hitting our face real hard.

The trip back to Drummoyne was cruisy but just before we trailered the boat it started raining again and this time it was harder with the wind blowing, thank God I wasn't in the harbour. By the time we got everything done, we were drenched really drenched and freezing. THINGS YOU DO FOR FISHING

It wasn't a perfect day, but I was happy that Darryl caught his breams today. Getting our confidence level up a bit for the social.

took some quick pics... here they are...

The happy man !!


Double Happiness !!




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Unbeleivable that I purchased the rod a few months ago and only ever used it for squidding but it has been 3 months since I have targeted bream.  It has tonnes of guts but easily cast the 1/40 hws jigs I was using.  Only rod I didn't get a wind knot in all day aswell but it could be the large runner guide combined with fact I only use 2500 size reels on the daiwa rods.

I saw u fellas head into IC around 1pm when I was heading back from snails.


Say what? U used a Kingbolt for squidding? Dont think Daiwa-san will be too happy :risata: . Speaking of which, that Rack Raider my friend got off you accounted for a squid the other night heh heh.

Sorry I didnt see u on the water, woulda said Gday if I did, woulda loved to have a snoop at the Kingbolt too :1prop:


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