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No Luck This Time


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Greg put the boat in the water last night at approx 11pm,,,, within 15mins he had 2 squid aboard and dropped another. It went quiet the rest of the evening especially after the wind blow up at 2am making squidding virtually impossible :ranting2::1badmood: . AAh well time to go get some yakkas, no dramas getting them and within 30mins he had a dozen in the live bait tank.

With the sun coming up and the wind still howling Greg stayed in middle harbour, but this is were things got even worse, he could not hold the bottom and keeped pulling the anchor despite letting out a mile of rope. So he was forced to snag a mooring which we both usually hate doing!! :1badmood:

It was extremely quiet with the squid being hammered by peckers but after a few hours the kings came through, and as per our usual luck, straight around the mooring and PIIINNNNG, another yakka down and 30mins later same thing. Ah bugga!

Time to go home, so it looks like Pizza is on the menu tonight.


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We were there yesterday morning, and downrigged the usual spots in MH with yakka and couldn't raise a thing. Just before leaving decided to cube some pillies and in minutes had about 3 kings under the boat...... down goes an unweighted pilly and managed to hook a fat mid 70's MH special. Nothing but cubes in the guts. I'm never going to MH again without a block of pillies, I reckon we could have got more if we had more pillies.


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What?? I can't believe the freezer is empty, you blokes must eat Kingy for breakfast lunch and dinner! Thanks for the report.


We release over 90% of all the fish we catch, and what we do bring home often gets split between family, friends, neighbours and work mates. So we rarely have more than 1/2 kg or 2 nice size fillets in the freezer.


Edited by Dan and Greg
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