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Beach Fishing Central Coast

The Poacher

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Some of you may remember that I took the kids out in the boat recently and pulled a few good fish. Well, apparently, taking kids with very little preparation or expectation is the road to success for me. I went up to the local bait bar and parted with $2 per worm ( and was happy to do so). Then straight down the beach with my 3 boys. Their view of beach fishing is they make sand castles while I fish - but they get to wind them in. Anyway, so we end up at my local beach with good conditions and a rising tide. First cast got the tap, tap, tap so I call the youngest down who winds in a whiting. Cool. I am now on my way to Dad of the year. I cuts its throat so that the boys can show the passers by. Anyway, cast 2 gets hit and I can see a bream in the wash. So I let 20 feet of line out and call out to son #2 - he comes up and thinks that he needs to teach this fish a lesson. So he pumps the rod like a maniac as the bream comes into the wash. I had to step in as nearly a kilo of bream gets airborne in 2 feet of water!!!

Got a bait back in the water, and I was singing "one bourbon, one scotch and one beer", thats an 80s song for the youngsters, and thinking it would be cool to catch a third species for the boys - I was singing one whiting, one bream and one flathead. I kid you not, not fish was a flathead. It was undersize, as were the next 7 flathead we caught. Throw in a dart and a ray and you have a busy session.

It was fantastic, I love the beach and I am amazed it doesn't get fished more. Anyway, my suggestion is take the kids and have some fun. Even if there are no fish, they still have fun.

The Poacher. post-5073-045857600 1290250615_thumb.jpgpost-5073-019408000 1290250592_thumb.jpg

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Brilliant post! Reminded me how my Dad used to take me out as a nipper and stay for hours watching me fish, untangle the mess and try and help me land anything that would put a huge grin on my face.

Looking forward to the day I can take my own kids out fishing! :)

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This time of year, I always start with beach or tube worms that I buy at Long Jetty. There are 3 bait shops up there that all sell them. If I think there are tailor around, then I will fish worms up till about an hour before dark, then I change to pillies. Add fluorocarbon leader if you want to be fancy and you wont miss out.

Good luck,

The Poacher.

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Thanks Cungee and Snak King,

Its encouraging to think that you are creating life long memories AND catching fish. I really encourage other guys to take their kids to the beach. Its a great environment, and honestly, half the time you have it to yourself - at least from a fishing point of view.


The Poacher

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