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Port Kembla & Maroubra


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Hi All,

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

I drove down to Port Kembla yesterday as the weather looked quite promising. Started fishing around 5:00 pm at high tides just behind the coal terminals (Nortern Side). We landed nothing. Not even a single bite. Had no choice but to head home empty handed. So I decided to try my luck again at the northern rocks in Maroubra early this morning. Started fishing around 6:00 am. There were alot of people but again we just stood there.... Not even a single bite again!!! :( When I was about to pack up and head home, I did manage to catch one small rat king (Too small that I had to release him) around 8:00 am. Very Very quiet after that...

Where are all the fish gone?!?!

Does anyone know a good spot for landbased tailor/salmon around Sydney? (1.5 hour driving range from the CBD)



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