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Public Thankyou To Roberta And Tony


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Just like to say a big thankyou to roberta and Tony.

Without going into to much detail both people mentioned above went out of there way for myself and i just wanted to say thankyou very much.

Not to many people in the world that go outta there way for people but these 2 people have and im humbled. :thumbup:

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My pleasure, Jorg - and CONGRATULATIONS on passing your 1000 posts too!! :yahoo::thumbup:

I'd like to add a big "THANK YOU" to Tony as well, for a similar service this week!!!

Look forward to catching up with you for a fish some time next year!! :biggrin2:



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My pleasure, Jorg - and CONGRATULATIONS on passing your 1000 posts too!! :yahoo::thumbup:

I'd like to add a big "THANK YOU" to Tony as well, for a similar service this week!!!

Look forward to catching up with you for a fish some time next year!! :biggrin2:



Well done for whatever you did Roberta and who is the Tony we are referring to?

Maybe Jorg would like to elaborate a little since he is publically thanking you both :biggrin2:

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Stewy the tony im refering to is slinkymalinky

Refering to myself being a Attack junkie and always after more attack lures which i mentioned

to roberta and who was kind enough give me one and also to mention it to her friend tony.

I was contacted by tony who was more than happy to part with his collection of Attack lures.

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You're more than welcome Jorg and Roberta.

One of the things I love most about Fishraider is that it is more like a community than a chat room. I've got a great network of friends and people I'm still getting to know through Fishraider and 'sharing the joy' is part of what I really enjoy.

Jorg, We'll catch up for a fish some time in the future and you'll discover that I'm really an obnoxious, annoying prat (Roberta already knows) :074:

In the meantime, both of you enjoy your little care packages... I'm glad the lures have found loving homes.

Cheers, Slinky

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....you'll discover that I'm really an obnoxious, annoying prat (Roberta already knows) .....

Nah mate - can't agree with that!! Looking forward to our next fishing session in MY back yard at Xmas! :1prop:

....One of the things I love most about Fishraider is that it is more like a community than a chat room. I've got a great network of friends and people I'm still getting to know through Fishraider and 'sharing the joy' is part of what I really enjoy.....

DEFINITELY agree with that!! :biggrin2:

I'll let you know when I catch anything on them! :thumbup:


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Stewy the tony im refering to is slinkymalinky

Refering to myself being a Attack junkie and always after more attack lures which i mentioned

to roberta and who was kind enough give me one and also to mention it to her friend tony.

I was contacted by tony who was more than happy to part with his collection of Attack lures.

Thanks for that clarification Jorg, and its Donna aka mrsswordie not Stewy :biggrin2: who originally asked the q

Roberta and Slinkymalinky are well known for their individual deeds of kindness and I am sure that they are pleased to receive the public recognition :thumbup:

Well done with the 1000 posts too and thanks for your contribution


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