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Hobbit Bass


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For sometime now Coyote and I have been 'talking up' a bass hike in the shire....well we finally managed to get out yesterday and were quite happy with our efforts. I must admit I was a little aprehensive of walking a long way through absolute bush and had I known it was gong to be as hard as it was I probably wouldn't have gone...

Some of the trip was spent walking up creeks, other parts bush bashing with the sticks and shrubs ripping into the ankles. We wore our water shoes so that stray casts could be retrieved by stripping down to the DP's and diving in. Probably would wear long pants next time my shins took an absolute beating. Each of us diving in the drink at least 4 times a piece to retrieve tackle from across the river.

We saw heaps of wildlife along the way, Gonna, lizards of all descriptions, spinders and king fishers. Fortunatley no snakes appeared nor did any leeches.

We startes fishing at 6 am after a 20 mn walk in and fishing was all on the surface and funnily enough the best bass came on the surface in the middle of the day. But as you'd expected you had to be landing under the overhanging branches and shadows to entice a strike.

The final tally was 12 Aussie Bronze Battlers from 8 cm to 33 cm. Whilst not the biggest fish in the world we can claim to have done it in the shire or the back yard so to speak. Definately chasing monster bass in the McClay or Clarence is high on the agenda cause the stike is crazy on these little fella's so a trip north in the next year or so to chase some mighty wild river fish is on the cards.

Anyhow here is a couple of pics of the Bass. As you can see the scenery is awesome.

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To sum up it was really hard work physically but extremely rewarding....we probably walked about 8 km and bush bash about 6km of that. Its not for the faint hearted but I'm not an overly fit fella and made it but my knees were pretty spent at the end of the day.

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Top effort fellas! :thumbup:

Great scenery and terrific company makes for a bloody enjoyable day chasing fish. Sounds like it was hard yakka but well worth the effort. Look forward to catching up with you, Coyote and the Junior Poddies over the Christmas period some time.



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