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Another Fish Story In Todays News!


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Thought this one would be an interesting read aswell, its a fishy news day today!

Particularly interesting is all the comments for and against, interesting.


Just came here to post that myself

Despite having been on the internet since the mid 90's myself I can say you never quite get used to seeing some of the seriously inept comments about anything and everything people spout off without doing any research

The comments against it completely and utterly floor me. The fish can't breed in the dam, it's stocked and taking a big one like this every now and then takes out an apex predator giving other fish a chance to grow bigger without really affecting anything significantly

Sure it would be nice to put it back for the rest of us to catch, but you can bet there are far bigger in there anyway and now they have one less competitor they can get even bigger!

Edited by Gremlin
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What an awesome fish, makes me excited for my trip :biggrin2:!

Gremlin you are right, in monduran, they actually dont mind you taking the big fish and have set up a spot where you put the bigger ones after capture so the cycle of life can go continue.

Either way he should be able to keep the fish if he likes as he is within the rules.

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Thought this one would be an interesting read aswell, its a fishy news day today!

Particularly interesting is all the comments for and against, interesting.


Fish arnt immortal and at that size/age surley nearing the end of its lifespan. Its more of a shame to see fish in there prime breeding size be lost. Entire commercial industry can kill thousands of tonnes of fish but this bloke gets crucified for a once in a lifetime catch :wacko:

Great catch i say well done to the bloke!!! I hope he enjoyed the experience and has his memories or mould etc for life, alternatively i hope he enjoys his next 76 dinners! LOL


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Absolutely awesome Barra, as for the negative comments involved in the website, some people just have no idea. Besides all that, what a feeling he must of had and how many beers do you think were drunk that night? Certainly a great story to tell!

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What a great fish! and i wouldnt rip into anyone who kept one but i deffently wouldnt keep an impoundment fish for a feed

All fatty and silty tasting i would of had more pleasure in catch and release personally

Im goin up there in the start of march :) my cousine runs a holiday park up there so all i have to pay for is petrol driving up there :yahoo: and maybe some loss tackle :biggrin2:


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Awesome Barra - and hasn't he/she eaten an awful lot of smaller barra & bass fingerlings/teenagers!!!

Anyone complaining about the removal of the 'big barra' from the stocked impoundments haven't understood the recommendations of the actual fishery! They DO actually recommend the biggies being 'taken out'

When Jewhunter, Slinky & I were up there in November (supposedly the start of the "best part of the season") ...... we never caught sight of ANY bass - I reckon they would have been like 'jelly beans' to the big Barramundi - they would have been hiding anywhere they could find away from the barra!!!! ........ we DID, however, actually see some 'tailing barra', tho, couldn't hook any!!

Good luck Pete - hope you get into them in March - if you do, give us a yahoo ......... I've got a couple of weeks 'free' in April when Keith heads to the USA with his brother .......... if they are 'on', I wouldn't mind trying them again, myself!!! :1yikes:

If I caught a 'biggie' I might just be tempted to keep a few fillets ......... not sure if they'd fit in my Vacuum Pack Bags tho!!! :1yikes:



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Don't get me wrong, but I can never understand the logic when it comes to realising big fish or certain species of fish. If someone catches a large snapper, no one ever asks if it was realised. Surely these large snapper are also breeders too. but for some reason, if someone catches a large flathead & keeps it there are questions asked. Myself personally,I do not keep large flathead as I find them too tough to eat, but I do keep the odd Groper which some people find alarming. What is it about certain species & sizes of fish ?



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Good point there Scoop and it'll be interesting to read the replies.

Maybe you should start another post about it and we can see why people react differently to certain species and not others.

At the end of the day a fish is a fish, as long as it's legal it's fair game.

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