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Fish Burley Receipes.


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Hi fellers,

Just wondering if anyone could help me with a few reef fish burley receipies.

Im in nt qld and mainly fish in a depth of about 10 mtrs around bommies and shallow reef.

We mainly get trout,grass sweetlip,stripeys and cod in our area.

Thanking You,


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any old bait will do but hears my standard mix

1 block off minced pillys

1 packet bread crumbs

i packet off bran

1 packet off pollard

1 bottle off tuna oil

mix well in 20ltr bucket and pack in plastic bags so it will fit in your burly pot then freeze

i use pvc tubes and end caps with the pvc tube cut down one side so it's easy to remove frozen berly

cheers gary

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bran and pollard are both some sort off grain and can be found near the bread crumbs they are in ground form[powder]

it realy is'nt that important as long as you have fish and bread crumbs

what is important is the fish is minced so you not feeding the target preditor just atracting small bait fish and there getting a feed catch the bait and bigger preditors will come i call it the food chain effect

cheers gary

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yep - what brickman suggested.

pollard is used as horse feed. chicken Layer pellets will also work wonders. 15 bucks for a 25kg bag !

also any fish u catch and fillet - use the guts / carcus (minus the big backbone) to mince up. old 2nd hand food processor will work. mix it all up and freeze

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