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Botany Bay 5.1.11


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Landed on the bay at about 6am not as early as I like but still fishing so I'm not complaining. I headed out for a few squid and ran into a mixed school of king's and bonito on the surface just near the oil tanker ,landed 2 small bonito headed for the smoker, a couple of guys with the wand landed undersize kings.

Squiding east of Bare Is was slow landing 3 squid but only one live bait size the other two were half the length of my finger and saw plenty more that size as well. Gave up on the squid and went around the corner for a few Yakkers ,Just as I dropped anchor a very friendly Raider "Adam" (Hornets) yelled out and we had a bit of a chat then he kindly offered half a dozen of his yakkers ,I couldn't say no Thanks again Mate !!!.

Started downrigging out to Cape Banks sounding a few fish on the way but they wouldn't touch anything, got almost to the point for a double hookup on the double stacked rigger which ended in both fish around the rigger one was 630mm and the other in the 500's, fish released and mess cleaned up kept heading around the point for zip. Started to head back in and was just starting to set the rigger when a king came up and took one of Hornets big yakkers from the surface straight pulling line from my hand as I was putting it into the clip. Fish landed @ 920mm and nice and fat, sushi last night and ceviche today with a few fillets spare.

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Cheers Kriso

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Kris, That is a top fish for the bay . It must have been a shock to have it taken off the top .It must have been stalking you . Did you get it on the Stella. It isnt that deep in some of that area where I saw you . Did it rip much line off? As I said the other day my kids love to catch Yakkas so giving some to you ment they could catch some more . Nice to chat & will see you out there. Adam

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