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kings and jews of Sydney


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The jews have been going well for the last couple of months. I fish for them in the day time in the right conditions and it is a great change from all the pelagics I normally target. The kings are going from strength to strength. Lots of big fish around. Kelvin

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What a haul that photo in the boat looks like it could of been from the 1960's with a tub full of quality fish catches like that dont happen by accident.There is truth in that old saying 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish the other 90% catch 10% of the fish.Well done fellas :thumbup:

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What a haul that photo in the boat looks like it could of been from the 1960's with a tub full of quality fish catches like that dont happen by accident.There is truth in that old saying 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish the other 90% catch 10% of the fish.Well done fellas :thumbup:

I have a rather large kill tank in the boat. About the size of a coffin. Keeps plenty of fish in there nice and chilled. In these photos there are a couple of snapper and some flatties in the kill tank as well but they were incidental catches so didn't think of taking any photos for them. Kelvin

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Hi Kelvin,

That's an extraordinary catch. Well done. It certainly seems like you know where and how to twitch them soft plastics.

So which waterway is that you're in ? Offshore for the kingies / reds and inshore for the jews / flatties - probably.

Also, what is that brown fish of which we can only see the gills and belly ? It ain't no flattie...

You've had the boat for 2.5 years and put 900 hours on the motor ?

You must live on that boat (or you bought it with 500 hours on it already).

Once again, congrats on a top catch.


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Hi Kelvin,

That's an extraordinary catch. Well done. It certainly seems like you know where and how to twitch them soft plastics.

So which waterway is that you're in ? Offshore for the kingies / reds and inshore for the jews / flatties - probably.

Also, what is that brown fish of which we can only see the gills and belly ? It ain't no flattie...

You've had the boat for 2.5 years and put 900 hours on the motor ?

You must live on that boat (or you bought it with 500 hours on it already).

Once again, congrats on a top catch.


That brown fish is a maori rock cod. It is one of the most delicious fish in the ocean. Pretty common around Sydney in the warmer months.

The snapper were all caught inside the harbour. I am not giving away any secrets when I say there are some thumper snapper in the harbour if you know where and how but I am only a bunny when it comes to snapper fishing. Due to the strong winds in recent days I have mainly fished the sheltered waters inside the harbour. Not fun fishing offshore in 20+ knots of wind.

I am a bit of a boat tragic. I constantly have at least a couple of boats around. Once I buy a boat I am already looking at the next but my contender is the all time favourite. This one is a keeper! Can fish in less than a meter of water one minute then zoom off for the continental shelf the next. Spin for bream and troll for marlin all in one day. Mostly I fish alone but it can accommodate 3-5 anglers with ease. By the way I got it with zero hours on it.

Currently looking for something 35-40ft again. Miss big boat fishing especially in summer. Kelvin

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That brown fish is a maori rock cod. It is one of the most delicious fish in the ocean. Pretty common around Sydney in the warmer months.

The snapper were all caught inside the harbour. I am not giving away any secrets when I say there are some thumper snapper in the harbour if you know where and how but I am only a bunny when it comes to snapper fishing. Due to the strong winds in recent days I have mainly fished the sheltered waters inside the harbour. Not fun fishing offshore in 20+ knots of wind.

I am a bit of a boat tragic. I constantly have at least a couple of boats around. Once I buy a boat I am already looking at the next but my contender is the all time favourite. This one is a keeper! Can fish in less than a meter of water one minute then zoom off for the continental shelf the next. Spin for bream and troll for marlin all in one day. Mostly I fish alone but it can accommodate 3-5 anglers with ease. By the way I got it with zero hours on it.

Currently looking for something 35-40ft again. Miss big boat fishing especially in summer. Kelvin

Hey Kelvin,

A maori rock cod?

I just googled it and it looks like a jewie with black dots all over it. Never seen anything like it anywhere in sydney, posted on a website, in real life, at the martkets or anywhere. Is it really a sydney species? Even when I spent some time trapping with pro fishos near-shore we never saw one. We saw spangled emperors and all sorts of unseen things but this one is unusual.I would love to hear more about these fish!

A boat tragic eh? Well your house (mansion?)probably looks like a boatyard.

I'll certainly won't hound you for reddie secrets in the harbour (I fish Botany Bay exclusively) - have you caught any cod in the bay ?

Also, I fish alone and my 5.7m platey can do similar things to yours but I haven't been to sea in a couple of years - I would go green in half a metre of swell now.

And you started with that motor being new? Whoa that's a lot of hours for 2.5 years - your sleep walking has turned into sleep fishing !


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Hey Kelvin,

A maori rock cod?

I just googled it and it looks like a jewie with black dots all over it. Never seen anything like it anywhere in sydney, posted on a website, in real life, at the martkets or anywhere. Is it really a sydney species? Even when I spent some time trapping with pro fishos near-shore we never saw one. We saw spangled emperors and all sorts of unseen things but this one is unusual.I would love to hear more about these fish!

A boat tragic eh? Well your house (mansion?)probably looks like a boatyard.

I'll certainly won't hound you for reddie secrets in the harbour (I fish Botany Bay exclusively) - have you caught any cod in the bay ?

Also, I fish alone and my 5.7m platey can do similar things to yours but I haven't been to sea in a couple of years - I would go green in half a metre of swell now.

And you started with that motor being new? Whoa that's a lot of hours for 2.5 years - your sleep walking has turned into sleep fishing !


The species is Epinephelus undulatostriatus. One noted Sydney charter operator wrote about it some time ago. It is normally found on the barrier reef but they are a common enough catch where I fish. Often more reliable than the jewies.

I don't sleep walk and don't fish the bay. I would have racked up a lot more hours if I didn't fish in other people's boats from time to time.

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The species is Epinephelus undulatostriatus. One noted Sydney charter operator wrote about it some time ago. It is normally found on the barrier reef but they are a common enough catch where I fish. Often more reliable than the jewies.

I don't sleep walk and don't fish the bay. I would have racked up a lot more hours if I didn't fish in other people's boats from time to time.

Thanks for that info Kelvin.

It's refreshing to know that there is still so much out there to learn.

Someone always knows something that others have no clue about.

If we all knew everything, fishing wouold be boring - there would be no thrill as everything that happens would be expected - no surprises.

Fishing's like a box of chocolates....

You never know whatcha gonna get get... (assuming someone's nicked the chocolate chart, else you WOULD know)..


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