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last minute jew!


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gday raiders, my holidays finished today and i was back at work but managed to squeeze one last trip in last night.

i hit the water just on dark and fished until 11.30pm and came home with a 63cm jew!

After spending a week in batemans bay for only one 18lb jew, although disappointed at the fact that I only managed 1 fish the entire trip I was satisfied that I was able to go to a completely new area and still score a jew.

I was keen to hit my home turf where I felt confident of getting another fish before having to go back to work - and fortunately I was right!

post-8689-094963700 1295180020_thumb.jpg

work sucks!


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gday raiders, my holidays finished today and i was back at work but managed to squeeze one last trip in last night.

i hit the water just on dark and fished until 11.30pm and came home with a 63cm jew!

After spending a week in batemans bay for only one 18lb jew, although disappointed at the fact that I only managed 1 fish the entire trip I was satisfied that I was able to go to a completely new area and still score a jew.

I was keen to hit my home turf where I felt confident of getting another fish before having to go back to work - and fortunately I was right!

post-8689-094963700 1295180020_thumb.jpg

work sucks!


Great work pete with the jew,nothing like home turf.Its amazing how fishing time flies by and work time drags out all day,anyway keep them jews coming GOODLUCK.


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Nice catch pete, at least you got a jew and in a new area.

Im back from holidays as well and getting stuck into it today.

gday basil. I worked harder for the last 4 days of my holidays than I do at work :074: By the time we dried out 9 sleeping bags 3 tents 9 airbeds, tarps, a big marquee and a heap of other stuff then repacked it all and then I got the bright idea to build shelving and rod racks in the garage while everything was out, I was knackered!!! I almost had to go back to work so I could have a break! :074:

but Id rather not be at work it still sucks!


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Hi Pete

The 18lb one sounds a bit of alright!! :1yikes: Well done - at least you got the one!!! THen the other just before going back to work ..... doesn't it always happen!? :wacko: There'll be a run of them now ..... whilst you are at work, probably!! :ranting2:

Good on you - Cam & family just heading home today. We'll be catching up for a yak fish next weekend!



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Hi Pete,

Gotta like the last jewie of your holiday. Mate i havent been out for weeks. Wifey wrote her car off 2 days before christmas so we have been down a car meaning my car is being driven by 3. Got her a nice BMW yesterday so i can reclaim the tow mobile for fishing. Geez there is some great deals on second hand euro cars ATM.

We should hit it for a king/jew combo in Feb as the crowds will have thinned out to normal. That is the green light to start the season for me.


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