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Up for a BLURT!? Anyone?


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Hey Fellas,

I had promised myself earlier that i wouldn't post another report until i'd posted my new england trout report (coming soon), but after what happened today... i couldn't resist!

I thought i'd have a bit of a flick today in the backyard with soft plastics, hopefully for flatties i've been getting lately, or maybe fool some wary bream that i could see roaming the moorings of the bay. I mean why wouldn't you on such a great day?

I started fishing in the middle of the day with many casts put in, but the heat was to much and i was starting to wonder if the glaring bright sun was gonna push the fish deeper as i hadn't managed to raise so much as one fish. So i thought i'd watch the cricket till the sun started to die down.

As i set up for the arvo session, i tried my luck at changing my 8lb leader to 4lb and really concentrate on the bream. First cast, i land my 80mm Bloodworm Wriggler right up against this old yacht and hopped it of the bottom very slowly and subtly and straight away got a hit, but i missed the strike. I jigged it a couple more times and then... BAM! I'm on and this fish takes off. Now i didn't have much room to work with due to the morrings, kelp, weed and oysters that it had close access to bust me off on. And i couldn't put much pressure on him with because i was fishing 6lb braid and 4lb leader. Firstly, i thought the fish was a nice bream.. but then it just took off, with big headshakes and sheer weight. I could hardly get a inch on him. after about 5 mins and some pressure from local audiences i managed to get a glimpse of a huge silver flank. Although my dad was in the middle of a business lunch on our balcony, i had to interrupt him because i needed a net! He rushes downstairs and after some tight rod work i managed to land a BLURTERR of a trev! Going 56cm on the tip of the tail, i had no idea how i landed this beauty.

Examinations of his stomach contents explained why he took my wriggler as i found at least three yabbies that looked just like my plastic that was worked on the bottom like a yabby.

Anyway, back to the trout report :D

Cheers, Luke

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Hey Tight lines,

That there is a hell of a blurter.

They go like the clappers and caught on silly string amongst moorings, kelp and oysters makes it a very meritorious capture.

Congratulations on a top effort.

Also, to be caught from your own backyard - lucky bugger - what a nice backyard.

And I'm glad your dad has his priorities right - he interrupted a business lunch with Richard Branson to net your fish for you !

So I only have one question:

What did the rod taste like?

Just kidding....

Now go and get a bigger fish....

You know you want to.... :thumbup:


Edited by Keflapod
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Hey tight lines.

Top catch there.

Could not help but noticing that it does not appear to be your garden variety silver Trev!

Lots of yellow and stripes!

With the warm water could be another species.

Noted pics are not clear but could be a Golden Trev.

Even better catch in syd.

Any FR care to postulate and/or provide comment?


Trapper Tom.

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hows that wharf fishing for the blackies these days! nice trev by the way

Funny you ask, just the other day i saw tonnes of large blackies under the wharf and rolling on their sides. In fact, it wasn't to long ago when i caught my 35cm model from under there.

Tom, i'm pretty sure it was a silver trevally... i guess the black marking on the gill plate is a characteristic only silvers have.

Thanks for the compliments and replies guys, to be honest i had no idea of the sheer size of the fish when i was fighting it and when i saw the fish heart started racing at 200kph. But i was just as surprised as anyone that i managed to land it.

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