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FNQ Palm Cove


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Hi raiders,

I am going to Palm Cove soon for a few days R&R (drinking eating fishing) with my better half. Has anyone been out with a charter op based out of Cairns or Palm cove recently? If so feedback please. I was thinking of doing a reef or light tackle trip. Post or PM.


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have stayed at palm cove a few times, better off making the trip to Port Douglas, plenty of boat that go out to the reef and a few inshore charter that operate out of 6m tinnies (from a small public jetty near the mouth), i went on one for 1/2 day ones went a k or 2 out the front and got small coral trout and nannys, lost a few macks and got a 30kg cod, was top fun on the lighter gear.

Also went on one out of cairns, not nearly as good.

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