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Lost - 1 Marlin Lure - 5-2-1


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Hit the water again this morning from Port Hacking.

Set a spread of 5 lures at Jibbon Pt and headed NE. 2 x 10s on the corners, 2 x 15s on the riggers and a 24 shotgun (This is the heaviest spread of tackle I have). A few miles out the 24 buzzes then stops - nothing sighted, thought it may have been an adventerous Stripey, but as we found out on the way in was probably a Jellybean YFT. Water 24.5c

Trolled up past the Peak and as the wind came up out towards the self. No action, turned and set course back towards Port Hacking and 7 miles out in 130m of water one of the 10s goes off. The eledest son is into his first Marlin. It ran a couple of hundred metres as we got the remaining lines in and then started jumping. Spectacular action but on one of the jumps managed to break the 10kg. This is when you started questioning whether anything I could have done better - was it my knot, should the drag have been a bit lighter - or was it out of our control and a bit slack line was enough to pop it when it went tight.

Set the lures again and started trolling in the same general area. 30 minutes later another fish comes up and hits the short corner - doesn't hook up and sits back behind the lure again as we watch it. Has another crack at it, hares out the side of the boat, jumps and throws it. Got a great look at it - a Striped Marlin of around 100kg.

So in 2 weekends we've had three fish all take the short lures on the lightest tackle closest to the teaser. I'm now convinced the teaser is what is attracting the fish before they see the lures. Water consistently 24.5c - 24.9c

We put the 10s away and kept trolling putting the 15s short. Later on the way in 2.5nm from Jibbon one of the riggers goes off but not enough to pop the rubber band. The better half is into something but it's not that big. Up comes a Jellybean YFT of 2.7kg. Good effort by it to take a Pakula sprocket and large hooks.

Whilst we are disappointed to lose a lure and fish on 10kg, and to have raised 3 fish but not got any to the boat, encouraged by how hot the bite is. We have also never raised 2 Marlin in a day before, so encouraged that we are doing something right.

Conditions got worse as the day went on and was pretty messy by noon, wind blowing 20knots plus. We were all so pumped that nobody felt ill - amazing what Andrenalin does for sea sickness!

We will be back out next weekend without fail - after a meal of fresh YFT tonight.


P.S. Will post some images later today.

Edited by Crusher
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Crusher, well done and on whether you can do better for starters forget the 10kg outfits if you wanna be serious, ok IF you know what you are doing. Stick with the 15 and 24 kg and while you are at it why are you running your line class that way, Line wise heaviest at the short and long corner usually at 24, next the two outriggers on 15 and if you run the shotgun, 10 kg. Thats your normal set up. Secondly your boat is the biggest teaser you have. Striped marlin tend to do that and are well known for it. You may even find it was the same marlin. Once you work the finer things out hook uo rates will increase. Sharpen your hooks too.

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Well done Bruce!

A great effort! Probably get rid off the 15's at this time of year, but great fun!

Just seeing them jumping around and waiting to see IF they will take that short corner is always exciting.

Remember that striped marlin are not great with lures! Dumb fish!




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Good work on the bites...I agree with the comments about using the heavier outfits on the short lures as that lets you use a bigger pusher style lure in the wash and the slimmer or smaller lures on the riggers in the clean water where they are more easily seen. Marlin love those short lures around the boat and teaser. Good luck.

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