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jewie rig


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hey raiders

my first post kinda stupid but been ive been havin a few probs with my jewie rig it used to work really well but now it seems all ive been getting is eels, rays and sharks its been shocking. i mostly fish landbased alot of rivers and beaches. most common bait is fresh squid. now the rig goes like this: i use a three way swivel top oviously beeing my line and off the side i got about a metre and a half of 60 pound trace with 2 hooks both tied up approx 15-20cm apart depending on size of squid that way i got two hooks in the one strip one at the bottom and one at the top, the hooks are usually either 6/0 or 7/0, and off the bottom swivel i got about 30 cm of trace and the sinker on the bottom if im fishin off the beach i usually use the triangle big sinkers and smaller if im out on the rivers. does any one have any other suggestions cause lately its either the rig or just very bad luck.

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yea ive caught heaps of soapies in the past largest ever was about 3kg, but ive been chasing that big one for about 2 years ive fished almost every spot in sydney i usually fish two hours before and after the tide. but i thought it was the same case with everyone until i went through the threads and realised everyone else is still gettin a fair few guess i just gotta try bit harder but it just gets frustrating the amount of money and endless hours put in just to get that monster but i guess everyone kinda puts up wif the same thing. but yea i might try that easy rig something abit different. i think i might need to get back on the livies as well ive been abit lazy so i might try that. cheers

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hey osman,

sounds like the rig does work fine........all i can say is just keep at it mate, ya gotta be in it to win it!, right??? remember some people have spent two years trying to catch the elusive 1st jew and have still come up with a big fat donut.

good luck with it mate


ps. 2 years specifically targeting and my largest is 86cm. have dropped at boat or feet three more that size or larger and three maybe four lost after line failure/me not playing it right etc, but thats the way it goes sometimes lol

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yea cheers mate went out on sunday for a few hours in the hawkesbury only had one decent run would of been a smaller fish though problem is just trying to get your bait to sit long enough in the water with out getting an eel or catfish its shocking cause most of the time they dont pull the drag or even move the rod when you got heavier gear on so your waiting for about 40 mins with a bait in the water only to pull it out and find a half dead catfish lol. but i might go tonight see how i go these days its just too hard getting the boys to come out for a whole night :)

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Hey Osman,

Mate i feel you.

I know how it feels cause i had and still frikken have the same JEW disease.

The cure: Get your self a boat or on a boat. Wait till two days after new moon and fish two hours before low tide.

Sitt under captain cook bridge - Third pylon to be exact.

Place your self about 8 meters away from the light. Burley up hard and cast a light weight set up , small sinker and small hook. You should catch some tailors.

Use the easy rig set up with a 1 meter trace (atleast) and single hook. Hook the live tailor and cast. Make sure your drag is not sett tight. I preffer loose cause the Jews ova there seem to spitt out the bait once they feel the slightest tension. Try to aim about 3-5 meters infront of the 3rd pylon.

Stick it out till around 4:30am. Should get a run around 3-4am and hopefully land a decent size jewwie or atleast one which will help your sickness.

Hope this helps.

The strike rate with my theroy is around 80% and always a solid jew landed.

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actually most of my jews i caught were on the hawkesbury ive caught two off the beach one up terrigal way and one at the national park but i find that most fish are no bigger than 3kg in the hawkesbury, lol i have tried captain cook bridge as well didnt get much, but yea i have heard about the runway i might wana give it a go soon im still contemplating goin out tonight got some fresh squid so ill see how i go, dont think any of the boys will come out tonight though.

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