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where are the tailor this year


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hey all been going fishing a bit land based and been having not much luck with only one 40cm flathead and a sweep but been trying to get a couple of tailor or salmon 4 a bit of fun not a fan of eatin fish just out there 4 the excitement. can anyone help me out on where i can go land based where i have a good chance of gettin tailor or salmon atm i went today at potonga and got nothing but that flathead so if anyone has been gettin luck in the brisbane waters or northern beaches i would really aprieate the advice cheers steve

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hey all been going fishing a bit land based and been having not much luck with only one 40cm flathead and a sweep but been trying to get a couple of tailor or salmon 4 a bit of fun not a fan of eatin fish just out there 4 the excitement. can anyone help me out on where i can go land based where i have a good chance of gettin tailor or salmon atm i went today at potonga and got nothing but that flathead so if anyone has been gettin luck in the brisbane waters or northern beaches i would really aprieate the advice cheers steve

it looks as if the Bonito have taken over.
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Been going kilcare and potonga but not much happening there My rig I usually use 4 tailor and salmon is rolling sinker about 1/2 half a meter of line then triple gangs hooks and full pilchard and also I use bonito as bait as well last year I was gettin a fair bit but this year not much around kalcare and potonga have u been gettin any landbased

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I regularly get tailor trolling in close to the rocks at either end of pearl beach. They usually aren't huge fish, usually between 30 and 40cm with the ocasional larger fish. But I am catching them for jewie baits so that size is perfect.Early morning or late afternoon seems best when there is a bit of a swell going and lots of foam on the water. Hope it is helpful.


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I regularly get tailor trolling in close to the rocks at either end of pearl beach. They usually aren't huge fish, usually between 30 and 40cm with the ocasional larger fish. But I am catching them for jewie baits so that size is perfect.Early morning or late afternoon seems best when there is a bit of a swell going and lots of foam on the water. Hope it is helpful.


A Good question,

40 years ago, you'd head down to the beach or your local headland armed with sea garfish and 4 hook rigs.

You nearly always got a feed of tailor.

Now, it's mainly salmon with the odd tailor thrown in now and again. Some say that the closure of the canneries on the south coast has allowed salmon to outcompete tailor for the same food resource.

I don't know, but tailor numbers now seem paltry compared to the catches we used to make 40 years ago.


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I agree I used to clean up on the tailor 20 years ago... big greenbacks on pillies..mainly down the south coast of new south wales.

I still maintain they are one of the nicest easting fish in the sea.... smoked or garnished in lots of butter and grilled.....cant beat them freshly caught and bled... yummy.... I saw some in botany bay off yarra point last week when I was swimming.... medium sized ones....good luck..

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Been getting alot of the 30cm Tailors down in Windang on the run out tide. Usually pull in 30+ using small metal spinners de-barb for easy release.

Have also heard a rumor that there are Jewies lurking in the Lake so my next goal is to land me one of these rumored Jewies...nothing like catching a fish that is only a rumor :1prop:

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went fishing yesterday on tuggerah lakes. Plenty of tailor hanging around in mumorah lake. i no this because they bit 3 of my squidgies clean in half and chewed off 2 jig heads and made a mess of my leader!! Will from fishraider caught 1 on a HB. they pretty much destroyed our baits for flathead so we just ended up catching them all day until the weather turned worse. but there are HEAPS there. i remember back in the day around may - august we go off the rocks at night near maroubra and catch MASSIVE tailor in the 3-5 kg well massive compared to the tailor ive seen anyway on the good old pillie with ganged hooks.

Those were the days

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I've had a bit of luck off the Northern Beaches, better at falling/low tide on days with a bit of surf - but the tailor seem to be outside of the biggest breakers, so I've had to wade in and cast the bait wayyy out to get to the fish, and even then I've let the rip pull the bait out deeper. Best success has been just before sunrise, with ganged pillies on a pater noster rig, and fishing right up at corners or if the rip isn't in the corner, then the first rip up the beach from the corner.

There've been heaps of kelp in the water too, which can be a real pain off the beaches.

Tailor have been in the 40-50cm range.

post-8116-074911300 1297709703_thumb.jpg

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fished with garies for donut. switched to soft (terrible) pillies and the salmon and tailor wouldn't leave us alone. baits were that soft we just used pilly tails and still got hit every bait. tailor were small though.

Conditions were:

falling tide but not the bottom of the tide

sandy bottom fishing in the wash close to rocks

1-2 hours after sunrise

sydney land based

mar/apr i've usually seen the uptick in tailor activity.

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it looks as if the Bonito have taken over.

every year it's different, these recent years, the warmer currents seems to be running harder and for longer, bringing the warmer water fish e.g. bonito with it, the tailor will be more abundant in the southern regions. it does not mean that there are no tailor, but less, as only the resident species will remain. in a few years it may be completely different, it all depends on the currents.

the tailor will make a spawning run up to fraser island starting Apr/May, this is the time to target them, for the time being, focus your efforts on bonito/kingfish

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