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Where on the beach?


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Hi Guys,

A question for all you land based fisherman (or fisherwomen)

I am only really fishing beaches (in the Eastern suburbs) at the moment which I am enjoying. I have read lots of posts on this forum where people have discussed where on certain beeches they fish. The advice often seem to discuss fishing the gutters and holes and that these will be the most productive places. Now this definitely makes sense to me but I want to ask how you know where the deeper parts are on a beach? (other than doing a Scuba trip!!)

Is it trial and error? Do these things shift around?

Any advie would be really appreciated.

Chees, Dingo Dave

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G'day Dave

Without going into too much detail, I suggest you go down to the beach at low tide. You should be able to see the sand bars and gutters more easily. It may also help if you can look at the beach from a high vantage point. You will see that the calmer deeper water is slightly darker. The waves break first in shallow water (i.e. sand bars). You will usually also have a rip next to the sand bar. Have a word to any local fishos, surfers or lifeguards that you see. I'm sure they'll show you the main structure of the beach.

The position of bars and holes do change, especially after a big swell or storm.

I hope that helps.



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Good advice PeterS, but not only knowing where the "holes are" @ low tide can chage considerably but the time the top of the tide happens, this will give you only a "guesstimate" of where they are.. the best bet is to learn how to read the beach in ALL conditions and on ALL tides...

Maybe if you go durng the day to the beach ask one of the local lifesavers or surfers as they tend to stick to the peaks where steep dropoffs hit shallow water- creating waves... where there is no waves breaking ius where there is usually a "gutter or a hole".. Often the best gutters are close to shore and usually have a strong RIP creating churning whitewater on one side or both depending on the curent, fish either side of this and keep moving along the gutter to improve your chances of snaring a fish. I fish light and let the curent drift me from one end of the gutter to the other as you can cover more ground that way- else if current is strong I up the lead to 1lb snapper leads and berley hard in close with chook pellets/bread and fish frames and offcuts. DOnt be afraid to try differnt rigs (eg. paternoster and a running rig) if you have 2 combo's- you will see one will get hits more than the other and this is how you determine where in the water column the fish are playing- sometimes fish feed off the bottom (like Jews, Bream and Whiting as they hunt for worms in the sand) and others will take from the top layer (Taylor, Salmon, Sharks and trevally) make for good surface action using light size 1 or 2 ball sinkers.

Personally I find a paternoster is the best, or I use a large snapper led attached to its own leader which runs ABOVE your swivel... well in my spots this works best as I fish beaches with reefs adjoining the beaches and bombies off the rock platforms. Your leader from swivel to the hooks should be between 1 and 2m but optimally I prefer 1-1.5m, its easier to cast with shorter leaders.

Good luck mate


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Thanks guys for the advice. I am a real novice at this (only got my first rod'n'reel last month) so there is some terminology in your posts that I am going to have to look up. i.e I have no idea what a paternoster is!!! but thanks again for taking the time to reply. A couple of chaps have already offered to take me out beach fishing in the Eastern Suburbs to show me the ropes which is brilliant. I am really please I found this site, loads of really freindly and helpful people who dont turn their noses up up new guys like me who genuinely want to learn.

Cheers again, Dingo Dave

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Hi Guys,

A question for all you land based fisherman (or fisherwomen)

I am only really fishing beaches (in the Eastern suburbs) at the moment which I am enjoying. I have read lots of posts on this forum where people have discussed where on certain beeches they fish. The advice often seem to discuss fishing the gutters and holes and that these will be the most productive places. Now this definitely makes sense to me but I want to ask how you know where the deeper parts are on a beach? (other than doing a Scuba trip!!)

Is it trial and error? Do these things shift around?

Any advie would be really appreciated.

Chees, Dingo Dave

There's quite a few Surf Fishing books around, look out for them on-line, also try and locate a DVD called Surf Tactics (Victoria), it has a wealth of info on there...

Here's two pics I found online...gutters running parrallel to beach (notice whitewater shallows + deeper blue gutters) + hole:

post-449-058278300 1298019215_thumb.jpg

post-449-084536100 1298019228_thumb.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just reading back on all the advice here and realised that I had not thanked you all for such detailed replies which I really do appreciate. I am fishing Maroubra tonight so will some of your advice. Thanks again, Dingo David

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