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What fish are are these please?


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They're tailor. Slip down to your local tackle or boating store Dave and grab a copy of the NSW Saltwater Fishing regs. Keep it in the boat so you can refer to it. It contains species identification and (more importantly), species size and bag limits. We have a link to the brochure in our 'NSW Fisheries' Section located at the top of the page. Here is the link:




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Thanks Hodgey, I will grab the guide asap. FWhen you suggested the guide I thought perhaps I may have had too many and they were to small but they were all 30cm or slightly over and I had three. That guide will be very useful.

Thanks for your help, DingoDave

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I grew up eating tailor and love them. You have to bleed them when you land them€, then straight on ice. Cooked whole on the BBQ is the best way but eat them within a day of catching them as they dont store well, definitely dont freeze them unless you like eating mush.

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Geez man If in doubt throw it out!

You might have caught kept and eaten a poisionous fish ...let alone kept an undersized or protected fish.

All the same I like a nice fesh feed of Taylor , the closer to legal size the beater , the big ones I find too oily for my taste buds , I am sure youll enjoy them.

Go back to where you caught them just on dawn or dusk and throw around a few metal slice lures you may find this the best fishing ever, very good fighters , pays to use a small wire trace also to stop their teeth cutting you off and loosing your lures.

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