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Last couple of Tweed Sessions.

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G'day Raiders.

It's been along time between fishing for me. Just a few short sessions when I can get out. :thumbdown:

I'm starting to get a bit of a complex.

My usual partner in crime, Slinkymalinky, doesn't love me anymore...

My last two Tweed sessions he has cancelled the day before. Our trip out of the Gold Coast before that he left me waiting for an hour at the ramp (even though QLD is an hour behind us & I had an hour drive to get there!) while he slept.

I'm feeling unloved!!

So this report is to show him what he has been missing. :biggrin2:

Two w/ends ago I snuck out early on a high tide with the plan to chase some jews & then pop for whiting.

That plan changed when I got to the bridge & the tide had stopped. The tide usually belts through there so I stopped & fished it.

On sunrise the place went nuts with trevally busting up everywhere.

To cut a long story short I ended up with 14 bigeye & 5 g.t's all on surface lures.

Great fun but no great shots as I was by myself.

Today I wanted to go bassin. After slackymalinky bailed I decided to take my neighbours' young bloke for a session.

Had a top morning with 7 wild bass to 38cm's hitting the deck before release.

Learnt a few more things this morning & scored 3 bass on blades watching the sounder.

Had a heap of hits with young Charlie scoring a nice bass as well.

So Slinky had better stop collecting gear & start going fishing!!



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Is it any wonder I don't love you any more???

I've barely had time to scratch myself recently and you keep calling and texting me while I'm working, traveling or sitting in the dentist's chair... just to let me know you're fishing and having a ball.

I'm thinking of opening up a fishing tackle museum for all my dusty old rods and reels.

A couple of fantastic sessions and some beautiful fish. And here I am with my macrame needles sitting all on my lonesome.

I have only one thing to say....


It nearly sticks in my throat to say it... but nice work, JH

Slinky :1badmood:

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NIce looking fish there, Grant! Well done! Both species pull hard, eh??

Being wild bass, I am guessing they were in the river!!! Terrific fish! THe young bloke would have been chuffed!!



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