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Heading To Port Macquarie


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Hey Raiders,

Im heading up to Port Macquarie in a few weeks for my first time, never been there before. Wanted to know of any good landbased spots I can fish either surf or rocks and also best ways to fish these. Also if anyone know's any good charter operaters up there, as I wanna get out on a boat atleast once or twice while im up there to enjoy the full experience of Port Mac !

Cheers raiders,


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Hi Jez, mate I have fished the area just north of PM along the beaches between Port and Crescent Head, they offer great fish like bream, whiting, tailor and flatties, get some beach worms and or pipis and you wont miss, the beach on the north side of Port has good numbers of worms and some healthy fish holding holes and gutters...

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Hi Jez, mate I have fished the area just north of PM along the beaches between Port and Crescent Head, they offer great fish like bream, whiting, tailor and flatties, get some beach worms and or pipis and you wont miss, the beach on the north side of Port has good numbers of worms and some healthy fish holding holes and gutters...

Ahh nice the tasty fish :D , also how do the beach's go about producing jew's? I heard there bigger further north so i wont mind spending a night or 2 on the beach with 2 rods setup :D

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try fishing the break wall lake end on the run in tide. can be a really mixed bag, rig light and float bait with the tide. best of luck.

Ah ok, only problem is I have never been there so is there only 1 major breakwall in PM or is there more? I might have to take my laptop up with me while im there and keep you guys updated on the days fishing trips !

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just go into some of the local tackle shops there buy a few lures and have a chat to the guy behind the counter

they are always more then happy to tell you whats biting and where

i just did a few days up that way and its the best jew run they have had in 20yrs

but sadly we happened to be there during the week of bad wind and lousy tides

still nailed a few good fish tho all on live beach worms tho

Edited by Framedtrash
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just go into some of the local tackle shops there buy a few lures and have a chat to the guy behind the counter

they are always more then happy to tell you whats biting and where

i just did a few days up that way and its the best jew run they have had in 20yrs

but sadly we happened to be there during the week of bad wind and lousy tides

still nailed a few good fish tho all on live beach worms tho

"i just did a few days up that way and its the best jew run they have had in 20yrs" - that line made me so excited lol :o

I cant wait to get up there now ! Would be awesome to land my first jew and it be a good size too :D , yeah i planned on heading into a tackle store and asking them the best places, just thought maybe some raiders have been up there lately and can give me insight :). Cheers matey cant wait to get up there now aye :P Also anyone know much about charters up there? I looked on the net found a few, anyone gone on any and if so land much?

Cheers fellaz,


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