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Sydney Squid


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went out last weekend in the harbour tried for some kings with no luck . so then went for a drift for flathead with pillie when my mate felt some weight so he brought it up to find a squid attached!!! in he came quickly and back out with a few piecings :)

left him out there while we were having some fun with the snapper and checked it 10mins later only to find half a body with some big bite marks!! :ranting2:

very frustration bit through my line connection treble to live bait hook...

later saw some kings on the surface but were spooked very easily by some tool in a yacht who decided it would be funny to drive within 2 cm of my boat :ranting2::1yikes:

anyway im convinced i need to get live squid this time. any suggestions on place to try in the harbour or MH and type of squid jig like colour and size??

cheers James

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cheers will do have to make a trip to the tackle shop only got a small glow in the dark one

also any suggestions on size of the jig? is it better to go smaller than bigger

Mate, for my 2 bobs worth....

Orange is a good colour (but my brother has been nailing a heap on the naturals)

Egimax is a good addition to spay a little on your jig.

2g up to 3.5 depending on the depth. heavier the deeper.

My girlfriend is the squid master. she does not know anything about fishing, and screams when one comes near the boat.

But i always get her to fish for squid, because when i tell her to retrieve very slowly, she does exactly that, and brains them all the time. (typical)

there are some good posts on hear for catching squid, but they can be frustrating, and the best fisherman around sydney harbour, are quite often the best squid fisho's.

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Hi mate,

Yeah gotta get squid to catch kings consistent.

I agree with the advice on colours others have given you.

Pink is best all rounder and orange is good but brownie is on the money for recent colour of choice for squid.

Try MIddle Head area just be careful.


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I got some great kings last night one on a live Taylor and the other on a yakker. But don't just fish with squid because last week I had a live squid out for about 40min and got 7 kings on garfish then took the squid home and ate him to very nice.

The kings I got last night was 90 cm and a 87 cm fishing for Jew .( got no Jews)

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Very unlucky mate,

Try around the headlands in the Harbour. Anywhere really, with good patches of weed, sand and broken ground.

My personal favourite jigs are pink, however, I have been having lots of luck on the natural coloured jigs. Buy good quality jigs and it should produce.

All the best,


Yep gotta admit in the harbour the pinks do very well and also the natural colours do well also. I had a session on squid down at bundeena the other week with my pink yamashita jig managed a few good sizers. Then my mate came down who never squidded before and decided to use one of my jigs, so i let him use my natural coloured yamashita jig and boom ended up with 4-5 more squid then i had... also he ended up with the biggest of the night lol ! But hey could it be beginers luck ? maybe but all in all PINK and NATURAL are colours that work.

Edited by Mr.KingSpooled
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I got some great kings last night one on a live Taylor and the other on a yakker. But don't just fish with squid because last week I had a live squid out for about 40min and got 7 kings on garfish then took the squid home and ate him to very nice.

The kings I got last night was 90 cm and a 87 cm fishing for Jew .( got no Jews)

good one ya

do you mind me asking where you were fishing?

haha pm me

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