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Saturday 16th WASHED OUT


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Well I made the trip down with my son for some one on one time, and to try out the boat before easter..

We had a plan to fish otside Botany and then the bay or Tom ugly's for the Jew..Well the weather gods were not on our side with the forcast for a southerly.. :ranting2: So we opted to try the Hawksberry..Got up early sat urday morning(syd) and heading along the M7..RAIN!!! Got to Parsly Bay adn the weather was very gloommy but by this time the weather had at least stop raining for the moment.. So the clearing showers ... I was still hopefull...

The plan was to try a new burley recipe and try and get some yakkas for the very first time and use as live bait..So we headed for west head..I must say that there were other boats out but not that many..We found the bait and anchored up..Blake dropped in the hame made burley in the bucket and I tied on a hook to some 4lb line..By the time i tied on the hook the yakkas were everywhere... :yahoo: Blake was amazed at how many there were..

In about 20min we must have caught about 30 yakkas and some were quite big.. we kept about 12 and through the rest back..We were just having so much fun ....

we had a look around and then the rain started slow at first , but it was comming in quick so we headed for the bridges..The rain was comming in so fast and hard that we decide to go under the road bridge..There were 3 others there as well, and I couldnt believe this rain :ranting2: Well we managed a cat fish.. and that was it.. We waited for a break in the rain to head back to the ramp..Loaded up and headed back..I waited in Sydney untill dinner time and it didnt look good so we headed home.. BUt we left the boat in Sydney.. I will pick her up on the way to the south coast at Easter.. :thumbup:

Woke up this morning and what a wonderfull day.. sunshine ... No wind... not a cloud in the sky....So today it will have to be a Harley ride instead...

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So whats the secret to the burley?

nothing realy .. I got the reciepe from a DVD about catching BIG jew fish in the Hawksberry..

So, it was just bread mixed with water untill it is like porridge, then add about 30ml of fish oil.. I used tuna oil.. And then freeze..

i dont know if it was the mixture or i was lucky but they came from everywhere :thumbup: i had a ball catching them on very light gear

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nothing realy .. I got the reciepe from a DVD about catching BIG jew fish in the Hawksberry..

So, it was just bread mixed with water untill it is like porridge, then add about 30ml of fish oil.. I used tuna oil.. And then freeze..

i dont know if it was the mixture or i was lucky but they came from everywhere :thumbup: i had a ball catching them on very light gear

Just wondering what was the name of the dvd. cheers

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Hello Sean, how did the boat go? all sorted and ready for easter. Where are you fishing down south? I hope the weather is o.k this time and have a safe trip. cheers Geoff.

Yeah mate boat was perfect and all ready to go .. I will be heading down south on good friday EARLY!.. staying at Sussex Inlet untill Tuesday.. On the sat or Sun will be fishing Jervis Bay and outside ...weather permitting :thumbup:

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