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How far to the shelf from Palmy ?


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Hi All Raiders ,

Been fishing around Terrigal and Sydney north Fads alot and not really going too well . Lots of stripies and small dollies so have teamed up with a mate and plan to head wider over easter in two boats . Want to go out to the shelf and troll around for bigger dollies , tuna and maybe marlin . My question is how many kms or nautical miles is it to the shelf ? I have been there before but in a mates boat . I know that there is alot of flat ground between the fads and the shelf but have not taken notice of the distance . Looks like good weather so far for next weekend so could be time to go for a look . Anyone else heading out that way , sounds as though there have been few fish out there too .


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The shelf is around 20klms out and the flat ground in between is the 70 fathom line and the shelf is 100 fathoms

Regards Stewy

Sorry Stewy but the 100 fathonm line from palmy is about 50ks on my GPS and the 70 fathom line is about 35ks out.

Cheers Silvo

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50klms :1yikes: really ?,,browns mountain is only 37klms off the coast from Botany

That is correct, but the way the coastline comes back in as you go up the coast the shelf line does not change giving you greater distance to travel. But if you go south it does the opposite the why the shelf is so close down the south coast eg JB and Bermi

Edited by Bentstik
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Thanks guys ,

I am pretty keen to go and try for a yellowfin , Ive got a 17ft Seafarer Viking with a 130 E-tec and already head around 36kms to texas reef and fads so its not alot further . As long as I am on the radio and the weather forecasts are coming through good I should be OK . There are usually a few boats out there too so if there is an emergency , help will not be too far away . Is anyone else heading out there over easter ?

Cheers Brad

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