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Amberjack for Good Friday lunch


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Well, it's been a lean start to the year fishing-time-wise but I finally had spare time, weather and freedom from other commitments coincide and got out fishing. The real motivation of course, is Jewhunter's absence on a family holiday... so he gets to come back and read about us getting out fishing without him :074:

I went out yesterday with Bob and Greg on Greg's (aka Brown Dog) Bar Crusher. Met the boys at Fingal ramp on the Tweed at around 5.30am (thank heavens for the end of daylight savings so it was also 5.30 on my own side of the Queensland border!!). And we were out on the water most rinky tink :1boat:

Crossing the Tweed bar is always hairy. Even in the nearly flat conditions we had for our trip, the last of the falling tide had waves standing up and occasionally breaking in the entrance. It's very rare nowadays that I'll take my own little boat through there:1giveup: but Greg's girl is a weapon and handles it easily and safely.

First order of the day was catching live bait which was also hairy. Partly it was the lifting swells in our favorite bait spot and partly it was the slanging coming from another boat containing one of Greg & Grant's mates, Norm ... oh, and he followed it up with the occasional bait hurled our way :icon_razz:

After a run out to one of Greg's top wide marks, the livie rigs went down and what followed wasn't frantic but it was a pretty good session nonetheless. Bob started things off with a 6kg snapper and the rest of the session saw Amberjack in the 5-7kg size range coming over the side. They were in great condition and pulled a lot harder than the Ambers we were getting late last year. They'll only get more numerous and more hungry now that the cooler weather is coming.

I finished the day with a couple, Greg got 4 and Bob landed 3. There were a few pulled hooks and I got completely bricked once. It's brutal fishing... heavy drags (for those of us who have working drags in our reels :tease: - by the way Bob, I do have a carbon washer here for the TLD!!) and brute force all the way from 70m to the surface.

Lots of fun and it was great to blow out some cobwebs. I don't have any pics so the other boys will have to post some of theirs.

Cheers, Slinky

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....No pics = no fish in my book! :thumbup: ..... ha ha The sledging never stops!!!:074:

Well done, Tony - good to see you out hitting the water again!! Gotta get some salt water back into those veins again!!!

Shame about being bricked - bet you get him up next time. Can't wait for the pics, too!

Hope you had a great Easter - my best wishes to Sharon & the girls.


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Sorry Slinky that it took so long with the photos i just thought i'd let

Grant sweat a bit. Ill catch up with you soon with that carbon drag many thanks

What a sensational day especially when that snapper joined us on the boat :yahoo:

I think my arms grew 2 inches longer on those ambers. Many thanks as always to my

good mate Browndog2 for my seat on the boat.

Didnt they chew up nice on good friday washed down with a couple of medicinal ales :beersmile:

Just to let you know Grant that i've been practicing on my posts and such.

By the way those mud crabs were beautiful thanks for the loan of your 8 pots.

:1happybday: Browndog2 :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

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G,day Raiders

Bob should have some pics up today as he's been away.Slinky the ambers pulled harder because they were bigger, so i just discovered.

Great to see Bob get onto some quality fish,he had a ball. Must admit, was scrathing my head after he was up two zip on the first pass. After all he was using his usual $2 op-shop rod as well.

Cheers Greg

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Thanks for the pics Bob!! :ranting2:

That's a cracker red mate. Well done.

Nice of Slinky not telling you about the COTM item for April! I reckon that snapper would have given it a nudge.You wouldn't know what to do with that flash prize pack anyway! :074:

Those a.j's look very fat compared to the fish we were getting last year.

Hopefully the weather plays nice this w/end & I can get out for a crack at them.

Top session boys.



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