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Lane Cove stonker Bream


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Went back to my old haunt on Lant Cove River last night after work for a LB Bream bash.

nailed this beaut 41cm (1.9kg) Breambo dot on midnight.

Saw him cruising the shallows with 4 more that were bigger then him.

missed 3 huge fish after they all went screaming run and then bit leader

Water was boiling with poddy's and lots of surface activity.

great night solo runs the shizz

Tight lines


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Thans Nathan, if you want them they are there- hiding in the shallows... I saw 5 all over 40cm and 3 of them were over 45cm- absolute tanks!

they were sitting in about 1foot of water behind the wharf I berleyed them out ino the open and sight casted for them (or therebouts).

Yep we will def smash em up when you get back to Sydney- heading to Botany with Johnny Monday mornign eary start- gonna try and troll the heads for bonnies then go smahs some jew up the georges river (hopefully) got 1kg of ultra fresh squid and some fresh mullet to slab up- might even take the heay gear I keep getting dusted on 10/12/15lb even LB. me thinks going 20 and 30lb for Monday just in case some Kings show up round the usualy haunts.

Thanks again for the reply mate, hook up soon



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Went back to my old haunt on Lant Cove River last night after work for a LB Bream bash.

nailed this beaut 41cm (1.9kg) Breambo dot on midnight.

Saw him cruising the shallows with 4 more that were bigger then him.

missed 3 huge fish after they all went screaming run and then bit leader

Water was boiling with poddy's and lots of surface activity.

great night solo runs the shizz

Tight lines


i caught 1 exactly the same i was just looking at the camera then coz i took a picture of it on my pirtek brag mat to these fish could pass as twins hahaha

i just wish i would of caught it on the pirtek challenge day

but i think i might have been splittn first prize with ya hahaha

do u know if theres anywhere to see the winning pictures just curious thats all


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Sounds like fun Anth!!!

Look forward to hearing about it. just be mindful of the Bay can get quite rough at times and will probably be a little busy,

I want to take my boat there too but would prefer to go with someone that know's it well before I give it a go,

Good luck,



what u mean u wna go wif sum1 that knws the bay wel nath?iv told u i knw the bay.lol.wen me & anth hav a cracker sesh monday,we can hit it togetha wen u get bak. Btw,stonking blue nose anth.ur consistancy on the big bream in the cooler months is 100% strike rate since last season.cant wait til monday,im pumpd.hope the kings r stil around & we'l target the jew during tide changes.if that fails,we wil definately bag sum bream,trevs or flattys.& hopefuly sum pelagics on the troll.BRING IT ON! Talk soon. Cheers johnny

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